My Life Changes Tomorrow.


Tomarrow, I begin a 90 career transitional program for seasoned professionals which I am blessed to be a part of. After the questionaire, assessments and interviews, I got selected.
For the past 7 months, I've been unemployed and I need help.
This program includes seminars, mentors, peers and an internship.
From the homework and the interview, I have learned a lot already.
And, hoping to have a new job by June.
Good luck, JT!

IMO, it's HR/hiring managers who need the training when looking at seasoned professionals, not the other way around. ;)
My first day of Michigan Shifting Gears 9.0/Spark! Ann Arbor was great. The information was good, the emotional support, lots of people all knowing they had to change just like me in order to transition to get a new job.
Also, I did wear a black slim skirt, black sheer hose, patent black heels, heavy off-white sweater and pearl earrings. I stood out for wearing a skirt, only one other person wore one too.
For my intro, I stated that I did fitness like kickboxing plus I am Six Sigma Greenbelt. It got many positive comments especially from someone who does Tai Kwan Do.

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