My Kid's website


This is what happens when you urge your kids to go to school and they LISTEN! This is #2 son who went to the Pittsburgh Art Institute, and works as a graphic artist.

He is trying to get up his own business designing and selling t-shirts.

I think he's very talented and professional, but I may be biased. Please take a look!

Just Do It! :7
Pretty cool Honey!
My cousin and her hubby are into that kinda thing. He has a site too which I need to find the link for...
Thanks for sharing!
Wow! I am really impressed. That website looks great, and he is very talented. Loved some of the spiritual ones, like "Have a nice God"--very cute! I know some people who will be interested in the "baked beans" shirt, too :).
Honeybunch, you must be so proud! That website is cool! And I love the parody t-shirts! Looks like he's on the road to success....a real entrepreneur!

Donna M

Honeybunch, what a gorgeous young man he is and what a cool website and talent! How wonderful for you that he's obviously turning out so well! :) A testament to Mom for sure!

My almost 16-year-old Alex will love this -- I'll show it to him when he wakes up this afternoon. :+ He's got a little fledgling website design business called "IceByte Designs" (so-called after an iguana named "Ice" that I once, in a hormone surge, let him have for a year -- ugh!!!) and does very simple family sites for our neighbors. Post your family pics, that kind of thing. I can't wait to show him Joe's site -- an inspiration!

Thanks for sharing - isn't it great that we can always brag on your babies here!

Kathy S.

He gets his artistic flair from his Mum - I USED to do portraits, but haven't picked a drawing pen since 1989. Maybe when I retire I'll get back into it. Maybe - it takes patience, and I don't know if I still have that, as much as I'd need.

So now I'm a jock.

Just do it! :7

(I should take my own advice!)
I like it! I'd suggest playing around with mouseover actions - making the buttons do something so you can tell which one you are clicking (change color, etc). But even without that, the site looks well thought out and designed.
I loved it! I think I'll actually be ordering a few. I was really glad to see he had children's sizes as well!:) You should be proud. Susan
Hey Honeybunch,
That's pretty neat. I love the cotton logo. Everything I wear has to be 100% cotton. I might get that one.

I have three words won der ful! Terrific art and adorable too. You must be very proud, Honeybunch As well you should be!
I'm sure he would! Would you like to call him or e-mail him? Of course, his e-mail address is on his home page, but I'll give you his phone number in an e-mail later.

I must admit that my personal favorite of his designs is the Toilet Fisherman.

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