My IMAX 3 Fear(s)


First of all, I need to point out I haven't done this workout in at least three years. Today, I previewed it for tomorrow night.
Last year, it was all STS without the cardio recovery. I had a difficult time with all the workouts being high impact and high intensity.

This year, I did LIS rotation at least three times and going from oldest to newest of my Cathe library with interchanging cardio and strength.

My fears are: 1) not participating or giving up too early. 2)blast one is fast foot shuflle which can expend lots of energy 3) one of the blasts of the jumping around the step with richochets was used in Drill Max. 4) Getting injured. 5)Shorter recovery times in the beginning with the faster pace whereas the harder blasts recover before and after.

My plan is to do this workout with no risers.

How do you attack this workout?

When I did this for the first time not too long ago, I did it with no risers. Just like you I was afraid of getting injured. Having no risers does make the step choreo easier (fast foot shuffle too). Those extra 2 inches make a HUGE difference (but I am sure you know that). You might need extra recovery after the blasts, but who cares! No one is there to judge you. And remember YOU are your own worst critic, so be kind to yourself and don't put too much pressure. Only you are aware of your limitations and what your body can/can't handle. If during the blasts you have to modify/take a breather/a sip of water, then do it. I find that helps when I want to give up. Don't forget, Imax3 is tough, even for an advanced exerciser in perfect condition. I doubt many Cathletes can do all 100 Plie Jacks in perfect form like Cathe (I can hardly do 15 and my legs shake). Just take it easy and have fun with it! Ok, but didn't you mention you did Hiit 30/30???!!! That workout kicked my butt every which way!! You are older than me and probably can smoke me out of the water! You are stronger than you think.

Not related, but I did Imax1 for the first time today. I wanted to die. The last blast had me swearing words that I never knew existed. I did not complete that last tuck jump. IMO, Imax1 is harder than 2!!!! I did not have that problem with 2. Maybe that was because I did it with 2 risers like Cathe & crew. What a dumb move :eek:

Good luck!! Update us on your experience please!

Thank you for your encouragement, Natasha. Previewing the workout today freaked me out abit. Since I owned this DVD, I've only done it once in full. Someone recommended to do the blasts and the combos seperately which I did as well.
Yes, I heard Imax1 is tougher than 2. Cathe takes no prisoners. My solid intermediate level (or less), I am usuallly drenched after every workout so my goal is to improve with each one.
Before going back to get my MBA, I was advanced and I had no problem with any of Cathe's workouts. Now, my brain is advanced but my body is saying NO.
Yes, I know I am problably ALOT older than you. I started stepping in 1988 using the pink/turqoise and purple step.

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