My ideas on Boot Camp


Hi there Everyone in the Educated Crowd:

Since there has been some discussion and confusion on how to use Boot Camp in rotations, I thought I'd start this thread and give you my ideas and welcome all others' ideas.

BC seems to be a totally different workout type that anything else Cathe has done (i.e. short cardio bursts, one or two weighted exercises for each upper body part, compound light lower body work exercises, and plenty of ab work).

1. Maybe this is just the type of different workout that will do something different to shock our bodies and we will see results. We won't know until we try it.

2. Use is as a light cardio/weight work day--even Cathe has endorsed using BC back-to-back with the Pyramids because if done light enough, it won't interfere with recovery.

3. I've never done a Firm in my life, but isn't this type of weighted cardio similar? I think Firmies do weighted workouts back-to-back.

4. I think BC will result in some sculpting and shaping/definition with the circuit-style workout that it is.

5. Here is my plan for a rotation for using the new Intensity Series as a whole:

Day 1: Boot Camp
Day 2: Pyramid Lower Body
Day 3: Pyramid Upper Body
Day 4: other cardio of my choice (yesterday was snowshoeing and shoveling snow) or rest
Day 5: Cardio & Weights
Day 6: Imax 2
Day 7: Muscle Endurance
Day 8: cardio of chioce or rest

How is everyone else using BC? What do your rotations look like?

Have a happy day!

Hey, Cruncholi!! I don't have a really specific rotation in mind, but I'm going to try to do the whole series each week. The order will vary depending on my work schedule. I clean houses part-time (very physically exhausting work!), so on the days I have really big houses, I usually take off. We'll see how it goes. I'll probably pair up the upper and lower pyramid workouts on one day, like today when I've got the time. I'll probably eliminate the stability ball work in the upper body one -- I don't have one. :)

I'm still tweeking, but my weeks 1 & 2 look like:

m: Cardio & Weights
t: (30 min) cardio + PLB
w: PUB
t: Imax 2
f: Muscle Endurance
s: OFF
s: Boot Camp

I like working my legs, so I don't want to have to go too light by putting BC before or after another leg workout, so even though on week 2 C&W will follow BC, there is no "structured" leg work on C&W, so I can just go light with the upper body if I went heavier with upper body weight on BC the day before.


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
It does seem like both of you are putting Boot Camp right after a rest day. From what I've read, that's what I would do with it also. Then, it sort of jump-starts everything. I would probably follow it with a cardio like IMax or one of the old step tapes like StepFit or StepWorks.
For DVDers, I was thinking of doing something along the lines of:
Sat. Muscle Endurance
Sun. Boot Camp cardioand then either All Step (CTX) or Step Heat or another low intensity cardio
Mon. Pyramid UB and BC lb
Tue. Pyramid LB and BC ub
Wed. Imax II
Thu. Cardio and Weights followed by some leg presses from Mus End
Fri. Rest

This is just one idea. Because of the endless chapters, there are just too many choices to list. Another thing I might try is to do all of the BC core exercises back to back after doing Imax II. Notice I said 'try', I hear they are pretty tough. You could also do all of the leg work from ME and BC back to back one day, then do the upperbody work from ME and BC the next day. The options are just endless...

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