My heart rate


I just recieved my heart rate monitor, and this morning did my first workout with it on. I figured out that my Maximum Heart Rate is about 180 (using 2 tests to figure it out). I decided to set the watch to beep when I go lower/higher than Zone 3 (126-144 for me). I decided not to do a Cathe workout first thing in the morning.. I KNOW I'd be way over Zone 3!!! So, I did a video called Oxycise. It's basically breathing exercises along with isometric exercises. Anyways, at the end of the workout, here's what it said:

Time: 15 min.
Time in Zone: 9.16 min.
Average HR: 126
Peak HR: 155
Calories burned: 194

That seems really good to me! If I can burn 194 cals in 15 min. I bet I can burn A LOT during a Cathe DVD! I didn't know if I could keep my heart rate up there for it (and it went lower during the lying floor exercises, and a little higher during the overhead reaches). Anyways, I just thought I'd share my excitement on finally using a heart rate monitor! :)

I've been using a HRM on my Spinerval workouts. These were the stats from my last workout:

Workout: Spinervals (Lean & Mean)
Time: 52 min.
Time in Zone: 32 min. (zone 147/112)
Average HR: 120
Peak HR: Don't have that option but I think I hit 150
Calories burned: 217

Waaahhh! You burned slightly less calories than I and I worked 52 minutes as opposed to your 15 min. What's up with that??? I'm 47, 5'2" and 120 lbs. Not fair I say!!!

I'm always amazed at the high calorie count of some of the posters. I feel like I'm working pretty hard too...

Jeanette, well we can cry together. My calorie burn is way lower than what others are posting too. I consider it a good day when I can burn more than 300 calories in an hour. Do you have a low resting heartrate? Mine is 43-45 so I've been attributing my low calorie count to that. Since my HRM doesn't count calories burned unless my HR is over 100, whenever the cardio routine goes into a recovery move or slows down my heartrate quickly pops down below 100. I've found that I need to change up my cardio routine frequently or my body adapts and the calorie counts drop even further.
The more you do a certain type of work out, the less calories you will burn doing it because your body is becoming more and more efficient during the exercise. This is why it is always suggested that you change your routine every 4-6 weeks to keep your body guessing and keep that calorie burn up higher.

Also, generally speaking, the fitter you are, the less calories you will burn over all...

Yeah, I thought it seemed really high [of course I'm not complaining one bit! ;)] I took my resting heart rate this morning before the exercise, and it was around 70-88, so I'm obviously not that fit like a lot of you are (but I'm working on it!) Perhaps it was the kind of workout I did? On the website of the videos ( I found this:

"Studies performed at several universities have explored the caloric expenditure and oxygen consumption of Oxycise! In one study, gas analyzation equipment was used to measure the caloric cost of Oxycise! and to compare Oxycise! with a traditional form of exercise, namely a stationary bicycle. This study did not explore all the ramifications of the Oxycise! program but was intended to indicate whether the caloric expenditure and oxygen consumption were comparable to exercise on a stationary bicycle. The results were dramatic! Oxycise! was found to raise the metabolic rate to approximately four times the resting rate. In addition the caloric cost of Oxycise! was 140% higher than pedaling a stationary bike unloaded."

I'll test it again this afternoon when I plan to do Cathe's KPC and I'll let ya'll know! :)
I also agree that the calorie burn seems rather high. I did a forty minute run last night, and I have the F4 HRM which doesn't store my workouts. However, I remember this:

16 minutes into my run

My HR was 157, and I had burned 140 calories. I thought that the calorie burn was pretty good. I am 5'2" tall and I weight 135.

I'm SO impressed with your low heart rate! I do Spinervals workouts a lot in the winter (I love/hate Coach Troy!) and my average HR is much higher. I have a high heart rate anyway (but resting is about 60 and my HR recovers quickly which they say is good) but on Spinervals and any other high intensity workouts (IMAX 2, etc.) my heart rate gets into the 180's and low 190's. I rode outside this morning in 18mph winds (BLECH!!!) and my HR was in the mid-170's the whole time (except for hills and then it got to 191 at its highest). That's my average HR during all of my rides even during the season (except without the wind my speed is a little better!). I wish it were lower. I've been a cyclist for about 4 or 5 years now and before that I was a runner for 20 years (I'm 43). So I know I'm in good cardiovascular shape. Whenever I ride with other people, my HR is usually about 20-30 beats higher than anyone elses. Sucky! I have no clue how many calories I'm burning, but I hope it's more than others whose HR's are lower. Hehehe.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
hmmm..... Well, I just finished doing KPC (only got 32 min. into it though, and then had to stop to help with my niece) And this is what is said:

Time: 32 min.
Time in Zone: 9.16 (this seems odd since that's exactly what my previous workout said...but I know I was barely in the zone. Most of the time I was higher it seemed.)
Avg. HR: 144
Peak HR: 177
Cals burned: 426

Maybe it's because I'm pretty out of shape?!? hmmm...this has me puzzled!
The more you weigh, the higher the calorie burn. I agree that it should not report the same number for "time in zone". Did you reset it? I guess so since your other numbers are different. I guess you have to play around with it or maybe call the maker's help line (if there is one) to try to figure this out.
Always good to talk to a fellow cyclist! This is my 6th year of road cycling. Love it so much, but this year I'm bumping it up by riding with faster riders and doing some interval work. My first taste of that was in the fall of 05, started doing an "old man's ride" with the guys on Thursday's. We go about 22 miles, with some short hills and sprints. Yep, kicked my butt, but I made it. After the ride I checked my average and it was in the high 18's (course I sucked wheel the whole time)! I'm more like a 16 plus average rider when riding by myself and my other girlfriends. Well, I got pretty excited about that and continued to improve on the rides, one day even averaging close to 20 and still got dropped at the end (thought I was dying!). The time change happened and the rides stopped for the year.

Today we (6 of us) did a 52 mile ride. It was very windy, tailwind out, hit 33 mph on one flat stretch so knew it would be a bear coming back. And it was. I struggled with the last 1/4 of the ride, headwind, rainy, spitting snow, fatigued quads, you know the feeling. Checked my HR monitor and computer when I got back.

Total exercise time: 3 hrs. 31 minutes
Time In Zone: 1 hr. 29 minutes (believe me, most was done above my zone, set for 112/147)
Average HR: 145
Calories burned: 1,250 (30% from fat)
Now that's a calorie burn!!!

Cycling time: 3 hrs. 11 minutes
Distance: 52
Average speed: 16.5
Max. Speed: 33
Oh yeah, on this ride I stopped cuz I had to change a flat tire and happened to check my odometer, it was at 9999.7 miles. I've had this bike for 3 years. Now the odometer says 38. something.

On the Spinervals, I have to work pretty hard to get my heart rate up into the 150's, yet the first little hill we all stood and hammered to the top and my heart rate climbed up there near 160, but didn't feel that difficult at all. And yes, my resting heart rate is around 47. Just seems so much easier an effort on the road than on the trainer.

I'm fatigued now, that's for sure! I'm going to go ride the couch for a while...

Anyway, didn't mean to cut into this thread. Just kind of interesting about heart rates.

Hey Jeanette,

I thought that since I have a Cathe-related question for you, I would reply to you here. :) I think I read somewhere that you said that Cathe workouts improved your cycling? Is that true? I love that picture of you on your bike - such awesome arm definition!

Your ride yesterday was awesome! And in the wind no less. Way to go! My average HR would have never been so nice on a ride like that. I just keep thinking I've got to be burning more calories (yeah, right!). We ride about the same. My average rides on my own after I get going for the season are usually right about 16.5. My best alone time last year was 45 miles at 17.2, but I was trying to catch someone the whole time! So although I was pushing my own wind, there was someone about a half mile ahead of me the whole time. A friend I ride with is a fast little thing and I can't keep up with her. She's also 43 like me. She's unbelievable. And my husband is crazy fast, so I ride with him to get faster. Come to think of it, you are probably faster, as I have never averaged 20mph!!! Wow. I didn't really start trying to get a ton faster until last summer. I think because I ride with so many fast people it's starting to bug me! I used to just try to get my own times better, but now I'm trying to get as fast as everyone else. I suppose that's a good goal, right? :)

My HR soars on Spinervals. We have various Spinervals workouts since we have a long winter. But I do get tired of them so I'm happy to have found Cathe. :)

You have an awesome resting heart rate! I think mine is around 60. I have no idea why it gets so high when I work out.

Hey - maybe we can recruit more Catheites to ride! :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Hi Susan:
You and I sound real similar in our riding style. Yes, Cathe workouts have helped me tremendously, but I'm seeing now that I can go pretty fast at first, but not able to go fast for a long time. I'm really a believer in muscle memory, like once you've stretched it, the next time will be easier. I have tons of endurance and the centuries aren't a problem (unless it's really hot) if I go at a slower pace, which is what most of my girlfriends like doing. I did a few 12 mile time trials this year with our club and saw how pushing a little harder for these made me faster afterwards. And I liked that. I think riding faster makes you faster, but then you have to be rested enough in between to do that too. Of course, this is winter and most of my rides have been more in the 25-30 mile range and aerobic in nature.

I've read Sally Edwards Heart Zone training book and also Joe Friel's Cyclist Bible, but am afraid of getting too "serious" and not being able to ride with my friends. Hmmm. It's tough to work it all in. I work 4-10's (6 a.m. to 4 p.m., Fridays off) and have to get up at 2:30 a.m. to start my Cathe workout at 3 a.m. This January rotation calls for 90 minutes a workout, but this week I'm going to have to split the workouts up as I really can only do around 60 minutes. What I am trying to do is one day a week bike interval training (Spinerval for now as it's cold and not enough time after work). Then a longer weekend ride with my friends at a more aerobic pace. Of course, yesterday's ride was with faster riders and way above my aerobic pace, what with fighting wind, trying to hang on the wheels of fast riders...

Susan, how do you train to get faster for a longer time? I think trying to keep up with the others is a good goal. That's my goal for this year, but I have to laugh because they're also getting better and I'll probably never catch them. I have a friend who is an Ironman (woman) and she thinks that there is a lot of potential that we don't tap into. She said you'd be surprised at the older people at her competitions and how fast they are. And a lot of them are not natural athletes, just getting into this in middle age. That made me feel pretty good. She said this to me cuz I told her I was 47 and didn't think I had many years left to get better.

Thanks for the compliment on my arms. Wish my legs had some definition to them, but it's a battle. I'm just glad that I don't feel the jiggle on my inner thigh any more when I'm driving my car. That and feeling fat on my back just makes me crazy!!

Nice to chat with another cyclist. What state do you live in?

Hello fellow heartrate monitor fans:)
I've been using hr monitor probably for more than a decade, it was always a great help with my long distance running, but I've just got the one that shows calories only a little while ago. I was surprised to see the numbers of calories -- I thought I was using a lot more before.

Yesterday 60 min on the elliptical was
387 total cal
35-% from fat (only?:-( )
ave hr:143

When doing Spinervals, the stats are very similar

I'm 48 and 125 lb with a resting hr between 51-55 depending on the day.
My apologies, CreatedbyGod, for my long posts above that really didn't help you. I just got carried away in talking with Susan. Won't happen again. So sorry...


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