My Half Marathon RESULTS!!!!!


I'm taking the easy way out and copying and pasting what I posted in the Runner's Check-in. (please take no offense to this, lol)...short on time right now!


Let the numbers speak for personal goal time was 2:05:00. I killed that! LOL

Thanks, everybody, for the vibes and words leading up to yesterday! I kept thinking of it ALL while running. It was as excepted...incredible, inspiring, motivating, emotional, UNBELIEVABLE!

There's just something about running that is so invigorating that I can't explain. I think you all know what I mean.

We had a great weekend. We met lots of people from Runner's World Magazine. My local paper interviewed me after the race to get my thoughts on my running, my fundraising for L&LS, my experiences, etc. It was wierd to answer those questions with simple answers like, "I run because I CAN", "I fundraise because it helps others", "I do this because it's just so motivating". Simple, yet they asked ME!

OK...the race itself. I lost my 2 running partners at mile 4, one caught back up with me at 6, but I lost him by 7 again! LOL. At mile 11, my coach from the Disney marathon and another teammate caught up with me and talked me to the finish line. Those last 2 miles are always the hardest on those long runs for me. All 3 of us crossed at the exact same time. All 4 men came up to me afterward and complimented me on how my running has "tremendously" (their word) improved since Disney in January.

I ran with no mp3 player, which I'm glad about. There were bands on every other mile and fans EVERYWHERE. My mom and Mike had all 4 kids there, and I saw them at miles 3, 6 and the finish line. ANOTHER VERY motivating factor for me. They joked that the fmaily memebers walk the race just to see us runners! LOL stop the rambling. I'll wrap it up. I did very well. I thought of all of you. I thought of all the hard work we put in and I just let my body do the rest! I'm sure I'll have PLENTY more to say during the day! LOL

I will add, here, that I am so PROUD OF US, as a group. Look at what we are doing, ladies (and gents). Look at how we are taking charge of our own health and lifestyles and how we are setting examples for our families, kids, neighbors, etc. We push ourselves everyday in so many ways. I AM PROUD OF US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'll have to see what pics my family got on my camera. I know there were also professional photographers there as well, so I'll see what they give me with their link. I'll post them soon!

Congratulation's Gayle!!!

I've enjoyed your Disney photos so will be looking forward to the new ones!! Way to go!!!!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D[/img].....[/img] Gayle....You did great!!! I am so happy for a marathon next???....:)
Way to go Gayle! That's awesome and no feeling like it in the world!

Picking and working towards an event really gives our daily workouts new meaning, doesn't it?

Anne-13.1! LOL. Always gotta make sure the mileage is correct! LOL

Jeanette-absolutely, it does! It also keeps my eating in check, more so than my workouts!

Carole-YES, YES, YES! Next on the agenda is Marine Corp in DC, October (I think, lol). Still not 100% decided, but leaning that way!


p.s. THANKS, everybody!
CONGRATS Gayle - HOLY COW - that is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Way to go................

You are my hero!!!

This post gave me goosebumps and yes, as a runner, I totally know what you mean when you say "There's just something about running that is so invigorating that I can't explain. I think you all know what I mean." I haven't come anywhere near to being able to run any marathons but I love the feeling I get when I run! (only up to about an hour for me but I'll "take" it!) GREAT job Gayle! You rock!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

You wrote: I will add, here, that I am so PROUD OF US, as a group.

You said it well. I am too! Sooo proud!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Also...

Gayle - Congratulations on seeing such a fantastic result from all your hard training. We're proud of you.
Gayle, wow you killed your goal time. That is amazing. You did such a great job.

I was doing my 75 min run yesterday and thinking, "why am I doing this?". Your post has given me inspiration! I need to keep going!

Congrats again,


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