My Gym Shut Down...Cathe To The Rescue?

Hey all, I'm new here and new to the idea of working out using a DVD. I go to the gym 3X per week and lift weights. At least I did until my gym shut down! :(

Been taking a look at Cathe's clips on the site and I'm wondering if I could use her Supersets/Push,Pull 3X a week instead of joining a new gym. What do you think...would it be as effective?

Please forgive my newbie-ness...I'm not sure what to expect from a Cathe DVD other than what I've seen on the site.


while you are checking out clips..take alook at pyramids, slow and heavy, and the gym styles. i think you will find what you are looking for..very comparable to the weight room.
I took a look and I think the Slow & Heavy series is the one most likely to suit my needs.

Anyone use this DVD to build muscle mass? That is my current goal.
I would also recommend Cathe's Slow & Heavy series. The count is a 6-2 count which some people find a bit mentally exhausting. I tend to use this series but do my own 4-4 count instead. You might also want to check out Tony Horton's P90X @ Beach Body's site. You probably won't use the entire set since you're only looking at weights but maybe you could find the set cheap at Ebay.
I think you could also use the pyramid dvds to build muscle mass as long as you kept a log to track what weight brought you to failure.

The pyramid starts at your lightest set (highest reps)goes to the heavier set(medium reps) goes to your heaviest weight(least reps)then
you go back down the pyramid.(5 sets per exercise)

I own the gym style workouts which use heavy weights and I rotate with other workouts as well as with the pyramids.
Cathe has some great premixes on her dvds so you would might want to check out her website.
Hope this helps.;)
I would go for the Gym Styles to replace a regular gym weight workout and to build mass - adding Muscle Max as well. You get a heavy weight workout with a lot of variety, and a good split routine in these.
I generally use the pyramids and slow & heavys in short rotations to bust throught plateaus.
For "regular" weight training I usually do a six day rotation with the three day split (the gym styles) two days of cardio and then Muscle Max on the last day then a rest day...then I mix this up by adding cardio on some of the gym style days or putting it between them then having a true rest day between that and Muscle Max. There's just a lot you can do with these rotation wise.
That being said, you just can't go wrong with any of the series.
I think many of Cathe's workouts could fit your goals. On workouts other than the Slow and Heavy, I recommend putting a longer break between sets and/or body parts as needed, so you can lift heavier weights and make them more strength/size building than endurance.
Thanx for the input. I've ordered Slow & Heavy and I'll see how I go with it for a couple of weeks.

If I like this method of working out I will order the 'gym styles' too to mix it all up.

My next job is to move my portable TV/DVD player into my weight area (garage) :)
In the 'Gym Style' DVD's, is the step only used as a bench, or for its original purpose as well? I haven't got a step but I have got a weight bench....will this do for these work-outs?


A weight bench and dumbells are all that you need, well a barbell too for squats. My husband was a bit intimidated by Slow & Heavy when he first did them, mainly b/c of the warm-up which he considered "aerobics" feel free to do your own warmup if Cathe's isn't your thing.
Thanx, Marcy and Stacy. I have plenty of weights...dumbbells and barbells.

I don't have any probs with aerobic style work at all. I do cardio at least 2X a week and usually that means running...but sometimes a Gilad tape.

I've gone ahead and ordered the 'Gym Style' Back, Shoulder & Biceps too so I can start mixing it up right away. Hope I take to this working out with a DVD...looking forward to trying it out to be honest.
Adam, you might also want to try P90X sometime. A very 'gym style' program for at-home exercisers, that will definitely give you a good workout. If you do a search in the Open Forum, you'll find quite a few posts about it.

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