my grandmother and sex toys


peaked you interest huh? }(

you know those massagers that fit in a chair...well i got my grandmother(and myself of course) one for christmas and she loves it. the problem is that she keeps telling everyone (mainly old ladies in her sunday school class and her doctors) "my grand-daughter got me the greatest vibrator for christmas!" x( the other night when i had all the family over for dinner, she was pretty tired and someone asked her if she was ok, she says, "yeah, i will feel better after i go home a sit on my vibrator for a while" dh and i both about spit our tea out and no body said anything. (this was the ist time i heard her say it.)

so i called her to check on her today and told her we needed to talk about something. i explained that generally, the term "vibrator" when used alone, is associated with sex toys. she cracks up. then she says, " OMG, i have been telling everyone about it! " so, she won't be saying that anymore, thank god! she kills me. she is really naive about things like that and i always have to enlighten her. never a dull moment.

}( Tell you truth... you really wanted to give your grandma a happy Christmas!!!

:) Your post is the first good laugh I have had ALL day!!!
Oh Jes!


Your grandmother sounds sooooooo adorable. You just have to give her a great hug from me.


Ha Ha Renne! she did ask me what pasties were a few years ago and being the smartass that i am, i sent her some for Valentine's day, but her husband never knew it, so lost cause!

i thought you all might enjoy that!! i was almost mortified. can you imagine what her doctors were thinking??? good grief!

no no no no dani...GROSS!!!!! i will be laughing my ass off tomorrow b/c i get to spend the day helping her take all the christmas crap down. she knows all about the catheites and she will probably get a kick out of me telling all of you after she feigns embarrasment!

AKA "Likes2bfit"
Oh, Jes! How could anyone resist a thread entitled "my grandmother and sex toys". And you really delivered! I love when posts make me laugh out loud! What a delightful grandmother you have! That is hilarious!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
That was too funny. My mom is sort of clueless about sex. I have a friend who is gay and is married to a woman. My mom met them, I was so afraid she was going to be mortified, but she did real well. After they left, she said she can not imagine what 2 women do sexually. Of course I educated her. My siblings were pissed that I told my mom what 2 women did. They treat my mom like she is so innocent, they forget that there are 5 of us and her and my dad can be a bit over affectionate for me. I may talk to my mom about sex, but I do not want to visualize anything sexual about my mom. I guess I have her on a pedestal too.

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