My first post


I don't know why I did this today, but I searched for my very first post on the Cathe boards just to see what it said and when I joined. I found it! It was on July 27, 2002. It wasn't very exciting. All I wrote was "Has anyone used the soft stick instead of barbells? Are there any advantages or disadvantages? Thanks." Of course, I don't even remember what a soft stick is anymore. So I guess my 6th year anniversary of posting will be on July 27. I guess that means I've averaged something like 1,850 posts per year for 6 years.

I'm curious. How many of you joined before I did? I bet there aren't very many!
I think I got reprimanded for my first post 'cause I asked to buy a Cathe video off someone!!!
Oh yeah, my first post was a doozie (sp?)!! I touted the problems with animal protein and made a few enemies right away! Since then I like to believe I approach topics with a bit more ummm, tact, I guess (at least I hope!!) :)

Ahhhhhh, the memories! You piqued my curiosity, Nancy, so I went and looked up my first post - March 11, 2005. Here it is in all its newbieness:

[font color=purple]Hi y'all!

I have been hearing such great things about Cathe's workouts, I just had to check it out. Watched some of the video clips on this website and all I can say is "WOW!". I have been doing The Firm for a few years now, and I thought those were supposed to be challenging workouts, but after viewing the video clips here, I realized there is a whole new world of bigger challenges awaiting me here.

So I'm contemplating where to start. Any recommendations - which Cathe workouts are your favorites? Strength training, cardio, whatever - I enjoy it all.

Do you all really have barbells and high steps and all that equipment? Where do you keep it all? Is there any way to get by without barbells? I've got dumbells (3 to 20 lbs), a Firm fanny lifter, the Firm Box, the Firm sculpting stick, and a stability ball. I really don't have space for anymore exercise equipment, but I'm dying to try Cathe's workouts. What can I do?

Thanks in advance for any advice![/font]

Could that post BE a more typical newbie post??? ;) And I have long since gotten rid of ALL of my old Firm equipment, gotten a barbell, and created a HUGE workout space in my basement. How things change in just a couple years... :)

TeTe - I am LOL at your first post asking to buy Cathe DVDs off of people! :7
Yeah, you piqued my curiosity, too -- Ha!! I found my first post in the 'Ask Cathe" forum. here it is in all it's newbie glory. :7


I'm new to this forum and to Cathe DVD's. I just purchased
the Basic Step and Body Fusion DVD and have watched it
through without doing the workout just to get a feel for it.
It's exactly what I was looking for! I have a question,
though. Can anyone tell me what size dumbells Cathe is using?
Also, can you recommend a good exercise mat? Thank you so
Michele :)

And just for the record -- Body Fusion made me cry. That's right, go ahead and laugh at me :p , but I never really did get that one down. Dear God I'm such a klutz!! :eek: ;-)
>How in the heck do I find my first post? I tried searching
>under "author" and using my screen name but only posts about
>STS came up.... weird.

Allison, you can search by forum, too. I searched with my screen name in all forums for author. ;-)
OMG, I just found it. I'm ROFLMAO right now. I am the biggest dork EVER! Read this!

"I just have to let everyone know how cool I think Cathe is. She is my official idol. She is absolutely adorable and fun--so nice to listen to--and SO good at what she does. One of these days I need to go take one of her classes. I can't even imagine doing that! I'd be so starstruck I know I'd cry!
For those of you who have been on her roadtrips and met her (or met her some other way), is she as nice and friendly in person as she seems to be in her workouts? I'm sure she is. Just want to know what she's like. I also love Cedie and Rhonda. I miss having Rhonda in her workouts so much!
Anyway, these post might seem a little weird or over the top, but I know most of you will understand how much I love her. I won't even do any other instructor's sad is that!!"
Looks like I have you beat, Nancy! I searched for my earliest post still in the archives, and it was in October of 2001. I'm not sure if it was my first post though!

Here it is:

JeanneMarie Sun Oct-28-01 05:17 PM
Charter member
648 posts

#14722, "RE: 12-lb dumbbells"
In response to Reply # 2

>I got my neoprene coated, 12
>lb. dumbbells at Target.

This is where I got my 12 lb neoprene dumbells as well. When I was ready for heavier ones, the only place I could find the neoprene coated ones was "Galyan's". I bought a set of 15 lb'ers for $29.00.
Oh my goodness! I found mine! I'm even dork enough to say "This is my first post"!!! It was in a thread that said to list interesting things about yourself. Mine was the last post, so I must have really bored everyone as there were no more responses! ;)

Ok, this is my first post here, so here goes:

-I use to compete in figure skating and ice dancing up until my second year in college. I would go to the rink before school, change in the car on the way to school, and then go back right after school every day for years!

-I cannot sleep with the closet door open or my foot hanging over the side of the bed. Dad used to pull the old "boogy" man story on me and I'm still "scarred" from it! Oh, and only now that I'm married can I sleep on my stomach. I used to be afraid that someone was going to sneak up behind me! lol

-I cannot stand hearing/seeing people bite their nails, click their nails, chomp on gum, etc... Those gross little noises drive me nuts!

-I am a Potter freak and am counting the days until the next book comes out.

-Almost forgot - I'm a clogger and a member of a dance group.
Okay, I was here for A MONTH before I asked about buying a Cathe workout (gee, pay attention much, Te Te???). My first post was the response to the question, "How many Cathe workouts do you have?" Okay, don't laugh (too hard):

I currently have five, but I have ordered more on eBay.


LoMax (DVD)
Low Impact
CTX 10.10.10
CTX Step Intervals
CTX All Step

I've ordered:

Basic Step and Body Fusion

I'm up to about 30 now!

The first post I started seems to be the one where I asked for advice on growing out gray hair!
This is hilarious...I searched back to my first posts and this is what I found as a response to an existing thread. Nice way to introduce myself to the group. I remember being nervous when posting to start a thread. I asked about what keeps people motivated to keep working out. Kinda cool going back a few years.:)

January 28, 2004 ~ This is my response to a thread titled 'Embarrassing!', a question about gas producing foods.

"I used to use "Beano" but it resulted in a curious sensation I was never able to put words to, like my gut was unnaturally immobilized. The body does adjust somewhat with time.

This thread has reminded of something I read in "The Farmer's Almanac" ever so long ago, and I quote:

"A fartin' horse will never tire,
A fartin' man's the one to hire" (or woman, of course)

Around my house we call it 'being jet propelled'."

Real classy start eh!?! :7

Take Care
okay, mine was really boring. it was in response to carrie asking if anyone lived in atlanta. my response:

I live in Roswell, GA north of Atlanta. Have been here for 14 years. Love it!!! It's a beautiful place.

yeah, really informative and interesting, wasn't it? i guess i was playing it safe! it was on 12 april 2007. i had been lurking for a while and even joined before i posted, but i guess i felt that was the perfect time to make my presence known *insert sarcastic tone*.
My first post was Jan 14, 2002 - something about Designer Protein.

Given my post count, I've been a slacker! :+
The first post of mine that I could find was 12/23/99, but I'm sure that I posted before that. I met Debbie H. and Honeybunch for a get-together before that and we were all posting here before we met.

I just appreciate the message I got when I searched:
Your search criteria returned too many topics. Only displaying first 141 pages.


I joined May 2, 2005 and that day posted, in response to a question about half marathons:

My best advice is to not run on concrete- find a track or trails to do your longer runs. I had a stress fracture in my leg (from running primarily on concrete) but ran 18 miles on it anyway... that was a year and a half ago and I'm just now back to training.

Pay attention to all the advice you find from places like Hal Higdon and Runners World- and then go for it!!

Good luck and have fun!!

I've stopped much of my running and replaced it with a lot of Cathe!! :)
I didn't use the search feature. I actually have every email I've ever received since 1996, except for the spam. Sounds crazy, but it's fascinating to go back sometimes. In some ways, it replaces a journal. Anyhoo, I still have my first notification from the cathe boards! :eek:

ETA: Laurie, that IS hilarious! :7 :7
>My first post was Jan 14, 2002 - something about Designer
>Given my post count, I've been a slacker! :+

No, Gayle, you're not a slacker. You have a life! :p
Funny thread, Nancy. Here's mine:

Hello, I'm an "old newbie" who has been lurking for quite some time. I am almost 50 (!!!!) and have been working out with Cathe since she released STEP HEAT. I won't be posting often, due to computer restraints at work and no internet access at home, but I really enjoy the support, information and humor I see on this site.
I like to exercise, read (whoever suggested Lee Smith's books a while back - Thank you!)and listen to Jimmy Buffett's music.I'm waiting for a Margaritaville Workout. I have a wonderful DH who uses step workouts to stay in shape since his knees have gotten too old for running, a daughter of 17 who will be graduating soon, and a son of 20 who has Prader Willi Syndrome, which is another long OT post all in itself. And four (4!)cats. Yes, we are the "crazy cat people" in our neighborhood. I'm happy to be here and hope to continue working out with all of you, and Cathe, for a long time.

I didn't expect to be posting much, since we didn't have the internet at home and was nervous about posting at work, but here I am now, over 10,000 posts. And I'm still waiting for that Margaritaville Workout!
I joined Sep 20th 2003 and my 1st post was Sept 29th:

About the Body Blast Videos:

"Just wanted to know if there is a date for shipping of these video's yet?...sorry if I missed a post..I am new to these message boards..thanks..Carole"

Of course I asked it in the Video & DVD Questions and Comments and not in Ask Cathe!!!

I did get an answer though...:)

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