My first Cathe DVD- Timesaver Other Recommedations?


I just ordered my first Cathe DVD- Timesaver. I'm hoping I can get a good sampling of what she is like from this one. Do you think so?
As for what I like, I like athletic advanced routines that aren't boring or drudgery, but fun and make you feel like you maximized your workout time. I like Mindy Mylrea Awesome Intervals, Ultimate Circuit Training from Karen Voight. I'm really not a good "dancer" but I like it if I can get it. Anyway, I'm looking for something along these lines only maybe a little more advanced than the KV one.
Do you think I would like IMAX 2? Or 1?
I think you'd like IMAX 2. Not that IMAX 1 is not as challenging, but IMAX 2 is more fun IMO. And oh boy, even if you're an advanced exerciser, IMAX 2 will leave you breathless.:) I don't know anything about Mindy Mylrea or Karen Voight, but from your post it seems you like crosstraining type of workouts. If you end up really loving Timesaver (and I bet you will), you might also enjoy Terminator from Cathe's Intensity Series. It's similar to Timesaver, with different segments from different Intensitly workouts put together to give you a whole new workout. You might also love Bootcamp. Choosing which Cathe workouts to get first is always tough. Check out the video clips before buying. There's a link on the home page. Good luck.

Thanks, Pinky.
I use a Mac computer and I cannot see the video previews at all with my computer.
I sure wish I could!! I will be relying solely on recs from other people.
I agree with Pinky..(I usually do!). The Terminator DVD uses Imax2 alot. I just got it and absolutely love it. It is very advanced, but if you want an advanced workout this is a good one. I have done Karen Voight also and although I think she is good, I feel Cathe is better. Like I always say, it depends on what you want most....aerobics or weights. Cathe always has a good mix. Imax1 is a bit harder than Imax2 but it is all aerobic. They are both interval workouts which I think are the best for fat burning. Good luck!...Carole

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