<--just finished upper body workout
<--is impressed that Liann did 4ds upper body without breaking her nails!!
<--(((Hugs))) Carola
<--bops Em upside the head for calling herself short and stubby
<--hopes Lanie's mouth feels better
<--feels bad for Shelly and her cramps
<--knows how bad those can feel
<--tells Liann that <--has not ordered the top yet
<--has a 25% off coupon and does not see where to put the coupon code x(
<--may have to call and order
<--is pretty certain Lorie never mentioned a Brit BF
<--says but then again <--is pretty forgetful
<--what was I saying?..........:7
<--is sorry Beth had to sub in such a hot room
<--wants to come to Stephanie's house and finger paint
<--is lol at TeTe and FB!!
<--waves to Beavs, Suzanne, Ronne and anyone else <--missed
<--wonders if anyone will be watching the Belmont Stakes tomorrow??
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