<--my eyes feel like they're gonna bleed


<--waves gm to the OAL
<--kept with the Billy theme
<--hasn't been able to keep up w/ everything around here
<--explains the end of the school year gets crazy AND...
<--'s National Board exam is tomorrow(!!!)
<--is worried
<--doesn't know how <-- will go from 8 am - noon with NO FOOD :p :7
<--is sorry to hear about Amy's "D"H's injury
<--also joins the wrecked hands clubs
<--never gets manis cuz they don't last on <--
<--loves French pedis, though, and is getting one today
<--is way outta da loop and didn't know Lorie has a new Brit BF!!!
<--hopes Nancy's vertigo goes away
<--apologizes that <-- isn't remembering much else
<--hopes all have a stress-free, smoke-free chillin' Friday :)
<--- LOVES Cathy's Billy choice!!!
<--- says Brain Stew is one of <---'s faves!
<--- was also outta the loop on Lorie's Brit guy!
<--- hopes Phyllis has fun on the farm!
<--- wishes Cathy luck on the exam and tells her to bring snacks ;)
<--- just finished KPC and is drenched
<--Waves good Morning to all
<--agrees we need an out-of-the-loop checkin
<--high fives Shelly and tries not to get drench doing it;-)
<--thinks Phyllis's plans are fun!!
<--adds to the good luck vibes for Cathy!!
<--is proud of herself
<--started her monthy visiter yesterday with huge cravings and managed to ignore them(so far)
<--has two more days until her cheat day....needs extra support from her OAL pals
<--wonders if going a week without weight work will effect<-- in any way?
<--hasn't done weight work since sunday:eek:
<--has been lazy!
<--is totally out of the loop
<--would be upset except <-- just scarfed a delish cup o' Fage
<--is exhausted and fears <-- might just take a nap on the leg press machine at the gym later today
<--attempted to sleep in for a bit of rest and ended up rudely awakened by big nasty thundy storm so <-- will go to gym tired anyway
<--is off to prepare tea mug and head to crappola meeting
<--reminds you all that today is D-Day
<--those Brits..."overpaid, over sexed, and over here" HA HA HA! (WWII humor that yous won't likely get because <-- is weird)
<--Pops in way to early for <--
<--Is so impressed with everyone's workouts -- already!!!
<--Says would any one of you like to be <--'s trainer in a few months???
<--Wishes Cathy much luck on her exam tomorrow!!!
<--Hopes Phyllis has fun at the farm
<--Waves to Shelley and Catherine
<--Waves to Amelia and sends her will-power vibes (as if <--has any to dole out :) )
<--'s mom came to babysit yesterday and brought: fried chicken, bakery bread and cupcakes.
<--Thinks the woman is trying to destroy <-- ;-)
<--Says resistance was futile
<--Needs to work out today to make up for it, though the kiddos now laugh at <-- when <--works out. They sit off to the side and literally point and laugh. x( Hecklers...
<--Hopes Beavs has fun at her crappola meeting
<--Is out of the loop about being out of the loop... Why are we out of the loop???
<--Asks everyone to type slowly because <--has pregnancy brain
<---tells Steph we are out of the loop regarding Lorie's love life
<---says there is a Brit BF in the picture (see yesterdays post) and that was the first any of us heard of him ;)
<---thinks Lorie has some 'splaining to do!
<---wishes everyone a Happy Friday!!!
<---did the upper body work from 4DS last night - not all of it, but several rounds worth
<---was relieved that the new nails didn't get in the way too much
<---sorry Beavs has a crappola meeting
<---is sending some strong Board Vibes to Cathy!
<---wonders if Catherine bought that cool top the other day
<---is also impressed with all the early morning workouts
<---waves hi to Shelley, Phyllis, Amelia and all who follow!
<--- says hi to all
<--- is really p****ed off as just wrote a load of stuff and managed to lose it ... aarrgggh
<--- joined Shelley in the sweatfest that is KPC earlier
<--- thinks it's really cute that Steph's sons laugh at her ;-)
<--- LOL at Beavs
<--- hopes Catherine has a good day off
<--- hopes Phyllis enjoys her trip out
<--- wishes Cathy good luck
<--- asks if <--- can also join the out of the loop club? :7
<-- waves GM
<-- feels even more out of the loop, talked to Lorie on the phone two days ago and wasn't told hmmmhhhh
<-- also thinks Lorie has some 'splaining to do:p
<-- hopes Beavs didn't take a nap on the leg press
<-- hopes Cathy's tests go well and sends some snacks
<-- hopes Phyllis enjoys Appel Farms
<-- is very proud of Amelia
<-- is impressed about Shelley and Catherine's workouts
<-- is LOL about Steph's Mom trying to sabotage the diet
<-- wonders what Liann is up to today
<-- is having a lousy day
<-- has issues with the neighbor kids and their parents bullying Samuel x(
<-- found out yesterday that DH's company will either have huge layoffs or even close altogether x( x(
<-- hopes everyone has a fantabulous day

<-- waves to Ronne across the pond and welcomes her to the out-of-the-loop club
<---waves Happy Friday to all :)
<---is not having a great Friday so far, but hopes things will improve
<---found cat pee on the sofa this morning x(
<---came into work to bickering/yelling coworkers
<---wishes they would take their arguments elsewhere
<---thinks this is going to be a looooong Friday
<---is sorry for being self-absorbed... will get over it
<---wishes Cathy good luck on her exam tomorrow!
<---knows she'll do great :)
<---hopes Phyllis has fun at Appel Farms
<---says "Huh? Lorie has a brit guy?"
<---is clearly out of the loop on that!
<---did KPC with Shelley this morning and was also thoroughly drenched
<---congratulates Amelia on ignoring those TOM cravings
<---thinks that's really hard to do!
<---is sorry Beavs has to go to a crappola meeting
<---hopes the meeting is not actually about crap :p
<---high 5s Catherine on those 5 sets of pullups :eek:
<---thinks Catherine is the pullup queen!
<---is sorry Stephanie's kids heckle her when she works out ;)
<---is glad Liann was able to do UB work with her fancy new nails
<---is sorry Ronne lost her post
<---is sorry Carola is having a lousy day too
<---tells her to join <--- in the HH today
<---has pizza and junk food down here
<---will be waiting impatiently for Lorie to get us all back in the loop!
<---tells Ronne that she HATES it when she loses a long post! :(
<---is jealous of Cathy's french pedi! ;)
<---tells Carola that she isn't up to too much today (Friday's at work are usually rather dull)
<---says this whole week has been busy, busy with supervisory training
<---is relieved that it is Friday and that the last training group will be done and out of here at 1 p.m.
<---will probably be hanging out on the boards more than usual so hopes there is some activity :)
<---is sorry that Em's day started so crappy
<---says that we keep all of our crabby co-workers on the other end of the hall ;)
<---starts popping popcorn in anticipation of Lorie's "reveal"
<---hopes she stops by today and sees that we are all eagerly awaiting details of her love life! lol...
<--- crawls in
<--- is having crippling cramps and can't hardly move, so will have to make this brief and go back to doing hunched over labour breathing until the Advil kicks in
<--- will get back later with personals
<---droopily waves to all
<---has just started jonesing on facebook and even missed a workout yesterday due to her newfound addiction
<---asks other FB members to tell <--- the symptoms<---should be on the lookout for to know it's time for a 12-step
<---is sorry about Emily's sofa's feline baptism
<---gives you permission to tell coworkers to shut the @@#% up!!!
<---wishes Cathy good luck
<---knows she'll do great
<---wants to go to the funny, uh, Appel farm with Phyllis
<---envies Lorie having a brit guy; even when they say stupid things, that accent makes it sound so smart!
<---says way to go to Shelley for doing a kick butt workout so early in the am!
<---tells Amelia that<---can NEVER ignore TOM cravings and that Amelia deserves a medal
<---tells Beavs to save<---one teeny tiny taste of her Fage!!! and that, once again, the Beavs has quoted one <---‘s favorite sayings
<--- recommends Beavs check out Richard Thompson’s song “Yankee Go Home”
<---will sing it to her:

Overpaid, Over-sexed, and over here
Get smart, Gringo, disappear
The Hun's at the gates of Rome
Yankee GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!

<---aks Catherine "What this thing you call "pullup?"
<---thinks she may have done one when she was six.
<---tells Catherine that she rocks!
<---tells Stephanie to tell her kids that if they want to see something to pee in their pants laughing at, come over to watch Aunt TeTe work out.
<---tells Liann that it takes a special woman to do all that without breaking a nail!
<---is sorry about Ronne's post, but is glad that it didn’t keep her from doing a re-write
<---can't stand that her hero Carola is not having a fantastic Friday and hopes it improves PRONTO!
<---must go and rest up from attempting my first long entry in an OAL thread!!!!
<---asks Teresa to send <--- her facebook name! :)
<---thinks it should be called "Crackbook" cuz' it is so addictive!
<--roams in and waves GM to the OAL
<--is LOL over "Crackbook"!
<--is also a member of the Snausages for Fingers club and has never had a mani
<--sends good test vibes to Cathy
<--waves to Phyllis and adds vote to the love-that-avatar poll
<--also has a tall SO but not quite that tall :)
<--high fives Shelley on the early workout and thinks it's good she was done before the cramps hit. Zoiks!
<--waves to Catherine and Amelia
<--hopes Beavs can squeeze in a nap someplace more comfy than a leg machine
<--is LOL over Stephanie's hecklers
<--waves to Liann and Ronne
<--hands Beavs some salt to go with Carola's 'ritas
<--is sorry for Emily's cat pee situation
<--thinks that's one of the stinkiest ever substances
<--hands Teresa a pillow and blankie to rest up from her long post :7
<--says "loop? what loop? is there a loop?"
<--also patiently awaits update and wonders if Brit guy is different than coach guy
<--must get back to the clean up and organize and other excitement...yawn
<--hope to bbl
<--Isn't in a bad mood today, but will be joining Ev and Carola in the HH just for the pizza :9
<--Is so sorry about Carola's DH's job.
<--Tells her that we moved to Kentucky a couple of years ago because DH found a great job; we bought the house of our dreams on a golf course; six months later, they moved the plant to Mexico and gave all the employees 18 months.
<--Got busy and found DH a job online one week after the company's announcement and he got it and we moved. Now we're MUCH happier where we are.
<--Knows that Carola's DH will find something even better if in fact they close his company.
<--Hopes that all works out well
<--Waves to Liann, Ev and TeTe!! :)

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