My December Rotation:


This is a freestyle rotation made up by a gal who only knows very little about freestyle! :p

Day 1: Any Cardio, Legs, Abs
Day 2: Kickboxing, Legs, Upper Body
Day 3: Any Cardio, Legs, Abs
Day 4: Kickboxing, Legs, Upper Body
Day 5: Cardio, Legs, Abs
Day 6: Any Cardio, Legs, Upper Body
Day 7: Rest

I am personally doing about 30 minutes of cardio per day unless I have more time and then I will lengthen that.

I am doing k/b'ing every other day because I have read here that it is a good form of cardio to use for freestyle.

My leg work ranges from 15 to 30 minutes per session.
My upper body is about 30 minutes long per session.
My abs are roughly 7-10 minutes a pop.

I am trying to alternate my days of using weighted and non weighted exercises for my lower body/legs. After doing legs a few days in a row even non-weighted exercises get in there!!! }( }( }(

I am considering making this an 8 day rotation by taking 2 rest days in a row since this is the first time ever that I am working my legs on consecutive days like this. I think I'd like to give them a little more time to recover at the end of the week...

Any feedback? looks good...:)...remember to cut back your weight amounts on your leg workouts to 70% of what you had been using before. For example, if you normally did 50lbs for squats freestyle says to cut that back to 35lbs. Freestyle focuses ALOT on several variations of lunges. So you might want to add those (I like front and back myself) or just sub them for any of Cathe's exercises. I will say though, that some of the freestyle exercises done without weight are still very effective and can cause some DOMS...Good luck!...:)...Carole
Hi Carole! Thanks for the input. I thought I had read in another post that you said lunges are a large factor in freestyle. It figures b/c I don't like them much! LOL :p I will put them in place of another exercise from now on so I make sure they get done if Cathe doesn't do them in the w/o I use.
I am definately using about 70% of my max when I use weights. Would I be better off using weights every day?? I mean I do Cathe's floor work where she doesn't use weights as well as just leaving the weights out even if Cathe uses them-I do this every other day. Should I put them back in where Cathe uses them??...Did you even understand that mumbo-jumbo of a question!? LOL

Thanks again!:)
WOW!...great question...:+ I think for now as you are just starting Freestyle keep alternating the weight days. I alternate floor and standing most of the time. Floor 2 times a week and standing 3-4 times a week. You could even do lunges every other day and not everyday in a row. But seriously, they are effective...:)...Carole
Ok ? - when you say standing work, do you mean standing weighted work such as PLB??? Or like the end of KickMax where there is no weights involved?

Thanks for letting me bother you again :)
I have a question too.. (sorry for butting in here)

I've never lifted with weights before...what would you guess would be a good weight to use for freestyle legs? My legs are my most stubborn area of my body, and I really want to lose weight/tone there, so any suggestions would be great.
Julie...sorry for the confusion....Wendy has it right, since I split up alot of Cathe's weighted workouts I do standing (with weights) one day and floor (sometimes with weights or the band) on other days. So when I say standing I do mean weights...:)

createdbygod...If I were you I'd use no weight for the first few weeks. Then start by using light dumbbells, like 3's or 5's...:)...Carole
Thanks Carole. :)

I've come up with a freestyle rotation... since I am so new to this, I wanted to get imput if this looks good.

2 week rotation

M: 30/30 (walk 10 min., jog/run/walk 15 min. in 30 second intervals, then walk 5 min.) <--I am new to running. ; Windsor Pilates buns and thighs; Slim in 6 12 min. abs
T: KPC, KM's standing leg conditioning drills, PUB
W: 30/30; PLB; SI6 abs
Th: KM; Windsor Pilates B&T
F: 30/30; KM's leg drills; SI6 abs
S: 30/30; windsor pilates B&T
S: Rest

M: Imax 2, pilates B&T, SI6 abs
T: 30/30, KM's leg drills, PUB
W: Bootcamp
Th: KPC, pilates B&T
F: 30/30, 100 walking lunges, SI6 abs
S: C&W, KM's leg drills, PUB
S: Rest

hmmmm... does that seem doable? lol...I figure it'll take roughly 1-2 hours a day...and I might do shortened version of some days (like week 2 Saturday, I don't think I could do all of C&W and PUB)... and I won't use any weights on my lower body for awhile, and then when I feel ready, only 3 or 5# weights...
bumping to see if any of you freestyle gurus can tell me if this sounds like a good plan. :) I'm anxious to start this next week! :7
They are lying leg and butt exercises: (these are what I can remember) side leg lifts, small and large leg circles, inner thigh lifts, bicycle, scissor kicks, and then some more specifically for the butt.
Freestyle focuses alot on various lunges. So instead of doing the Kickmax leg conditioning drills, I would do some standing exercises like: front and back lunges, regular and plie squats and calf raises....:)...Carole
Okay, thanks a lot Carole. I'll make sure to switich the KM leg drills for varied lunges. (as much as I hate I guess that means I need them!) :)
>Okay, thanks a lot Carole. I'll make sure to switich the KM
>leg drills for varied lunges. (as much as I hate
> I guess that means I need them!) :)

One thing I have learned thru exercising. The exercises you hate most, seem to do the most for you...:)...Carole
>>Okay, thanks a lot Carole. I'll make sure to switich the
>>leg drills for varied lunges. (as much as I hate
>> I guess that means I need them!) :)
>One thing I have learned thru exercising. The exercises you
>hate most, seem to do the most for you...:)...Carole

WHY does that have to be sooo true!?!? x(

LOL :p

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