Hi!! I don't have any immediate 1st hand experience with this. But my prev boss, a lady in her mid 40s had MS, and you would never know unless she told you. I know she had to take shots once a month, and the next day or 2 she'd be really tired and achy, but the rest of the time you'd never know. She seemed just as active as the rest of us. I believe she was diagnosed about 12 yrs or so ago. She has a young dau, who's prob 12 or so now, and I know she's very concerned about being around as her dau grows up. But she takes good care of herself, and to my knowledge they haven't discovered any more lesions. She has a very positive outlook on things and tries to keep her head up. I know before she left work, it was getting very stressful for her and it was affecting her health. She was starting to have some probs w/ her back muscles, but she's taken a new job since, and I saw her a few weeks back, and she looks 5 years younger and says feels so much better. But I don't really think being diagnosed with MS is a sentence to doom. I saw her going thru life just like anyone else, and if she was in a lot of pain or anything, she hid it very well. I do know she didn't have much strength in her hands - couldn't open jars and such - but everything else seemed fine, as outside observer. I worked for her for 2 yrs before I knew. So tell your friend best wishes, keep the stress down and head up!!!! It will be OK!!!