My day with Cathe.

Hey Laura!
Thanks for sharing your photos and your CATHE experience! What an incredible day you had! I'm soo happy for you!
It was such a pleasure to meet you and your family and share in your happiness! Next time you come, maybe we can get some people from the forum to go and we can get a bite to eat afterwards to chat;-)

Stay in touch :*
I live too far away, but I would LOVE to meet Cathe and workout with her in person. I live in South hoo. I enjoyed reading about your experience and looking at the pictures. Thanks for sharing!:7
And I live even farther than you, I am in Oklahoma :( ... oh well, I will get there one day. But I want a Cathe t-shirt ...... Rhonda :7 :7
Wow, Laura..........!!!! It sounds like you had the most wonderful time!! I can't believe you took THREE classes!! OH MY! I'm tired just reading about it. :7 The pictures were great, too, and you sure look awesome!!!!

Hey Gogigi-
BTW, I love your name! Anyway, I too live in South Carolina, Clover to be exact...but I am going to Glassboro some day if it takes me years! Maybe we should take a caravan of long-distance Cathe-ites, make a pilgrimage of sorts! LOL!! :D
I've never been to this site before, and it says you need to be a registered member. Is this mainly a chat forum?
Hi Tricia!
I hear great things about this site for "open discussions" in general on everything and anything, especially fitness! Deborah(FitnessGodess) frequents this site and enjoys it. I remember her saying there can be some "hot" debates/topics going on, I think the sauna room??? something along the lines of if you can't handle the heat then stay out of the kitchen! I probably messed that saying up but it sounds like a great place to go to vent:p , to learn more about fitness and other's experienes!
It's always fun to go to a site where other's share in our enthusiasm, if you go , enjoy your reading!
Hey Tricia,

Francine is right. It is a great forum. They do have a lot of heated discusions but in the year that I've been a member, I have only seen one thread get out of control. This is basically a no holds barred forum. It has a couple of workout & nutrition sections but has a bunch of other stuff as well. It also can get VERY racey--sex is a big topic. We are accepting of everyone's sexual preferences--homophobia is not well accepted there.

You do have to be a member but it doesn't cost anything. I think the membership requirement is to basically know who is checking in over there. Not that they "track" it but just to see how many people are members I think.

Mark Heinrickson (probably spelled wrong) one of the creators of the original Firms checks in regularly. He is always full of good info. It has been said (on other forums) that he is arrogant. I have not seen that at all. I find him very informative.

Come over & check it out!
Ditto, to what Francine and Fitness Goddes said, MUM is a great place to visit and there are lots of topics that you can enjoy and participate, the people there are all very friendly and highly knowledgeable in fitness and health, just as Fitness Goddess said, Mark Henriksen (former owner of the Firm) is a regular poster there and always has valuable advice on fitness he has a down to earth attitude, vey friendly indeed.

Please do visit.:)
Hey Laura, could you share your son's link with us? He is soo talented ! I know you are VERY proud! I was very impressed by him and his music! He's gonna make it BIG for sure ! He has the talent and confidence to do so!
Tell him I said Hi;)
Hi Laura,

Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful day with us! You look absolutely fantastic!

I'm so happy for you, but am SO JEALOUS!! LOL

RE: Tricia

Hey Tricia, I live in Greenville! I keep telling my husband, if we go anywhere remotely near New Jersey that we would have to make a detour so I could workout with Cathe. The long distance caravan is not a bad idea...tee hee.}(

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