My Cups Runneth Over


I've never heard of this phenomenon either, but I'm sure hoping it doesn't happen to me. I'm an "A", and I want to stay that way!

My running partner has a large bust. I would say she's about a C or possibly a D. She constantly complains about the "body armour" she has to wear to keep them tame while running. She also is very limited on the regular clothes/tops she can wear.

If you continue to grow, we may have to call the fashion police and change out your whole wardrobe, right?

B-Jock (formerly A-Jock),

To mollify your mortifying mammary misfortune might you mention to Mister Jock that his mocking your monumental melons is making you morose? Just enjoy your jolly jumbo jubblies judiciously and jump for joy! Big boobs become beautiful babes like our bodacious B-Jock!

Oh my gosh...what your husband said is so funny! Hang in there mean B-jock!
I am 46 and still a Size A-Jock....I have something to look forward too????....I think I've had night sweats all of my life though...:)...Carole crack me up!!!
If you have been working out very hard and doing P90x and don't have any other signs of perimenopause, then I think it's safe to say that your BF is right. Congratulations on your results!
A-jock or B-jock, (hopefully NEVER C-jock!)

I can relate to your NOT appreciating the bountious boobages that you've come to own. Before I lost 30 lbs. I hated the fact that my tatas were bigger than before. Nothing fit right and none of my older shirts were comfortable; and I'd only grew from about a B- to a B++. I was very glad to have my B- friends back!

I like being smaller. When I was around 14-15, my half-sister who has MANY more boobie genes than I, teased me once while doing laundry. She held up my bra(lette) and said "here's your over the shoulder PEBBLE holder" and I looked at her and said "hey at least I can run without knocking my self out!"

Look at it this way, at least you're a little more bouyant in the water. ;) I'm sending you shrinking vibes in hope that the swelling goes down soon! :)


~~Happiness is an Attitude~~
I love you so much, regardless of your resemblance to Angelina or no. Who to believe? Mocking the melons? Mooning over them, seems to me. didn't you mean Big boobs become beautiful, bald babes like our bodacious B-Jock?
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Nadine - my favorite line was Marlon Brando's (character) to Maria Schneider (character) in "Last Tango In Paris": "In 10 years you'll be playing soccer with your t*ts."

Aunt Flo has flown, and the hooters are still here. I should charge them rent.

Lunacat, my hat is off to you, and my skull gleams for you. I bow to the Master Of Alliteration!

Now, if everyone will excuse me, DH has that loopy grin thing goin' again, and I've gotta find my sprinting shoes.


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