My children love you!


New Member
Hi Cathe,
I am a very busy stay at home mother of two small children ages 2 and 4. Needless to say, keeping the kids entertained while I am working out is a challenge. I do butts and guts 3 times per week. My 2 year old son is fascinated with you! He talks about you from breakfast to bedtime. He has designated certain toys as his weights, his barbell, his band and his stability ball. He repeats after you even after the tape is over. His sister's Barbie dolls have become little Cathe Friedrichs. Today it rained and he asked me if "Cathe Friedrich could hear the thunder?" My 4 year old daughter monitors me and is the first to point out that my barbell doesn't have as much weight on it as yours. She does the stretching section with me which is priceless! Thanks for keeping this busy mom fit, healthy, and SANE during my workout time!
I added something to this on another thread, so I'll repeat it here:

I've got two boys, (almost 5 and almost 2) and they like Cathe as well. My 5-year old always stretches with me and he seems to like the older videos the best--always says she is pretty in those. I think it might be the clothes or Cathe's haircut. Perhaps it's because they wear shorts in those older ones instead of pants. He is probably like his daddy and has a thing for women's legs. My 2-year old just wants to stand in front of the TV open-mouthed, though he has also tried to lift "weights" around the house and even brought a little stool in to pretend it was his step.


My 3 kids love Cathe, too. I caught my 2 year old son playing peekaboo with Cathe by putting his hands over his eyes and saying "Caffeeee, where are yoooouuu? - Then he would uncover his eyes, look at the DVD cover and say - There you are!!!!". He did this for several minutes, too.

My 4 1/2 year old daughter did part of KickMax with me the other day, too. She did the kicking & punching drills and the cooldown and stretch.

I love the fact that my kids see me working out, tell me I look Strong and they love Cathe, too!!


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