my children love to watch cathe


New Member
Hi Cathe,
I just had to let you know that as a busy stay at home mother of 2, workouts are a challenge to fit in my schedule. I do your butts and guts DVD three times per week. I have 2 children ages 4 and 2. Both children love watching the video, but my 2 year old son is fascinated by you! He pretends certain toys are his weights, barbell, band and stability ball. He talks about you from breakfast to bedtime. He even pretends his sister's Barbie dolls are you. My daughter does the stretching with me at the end of the video which is priceless! Thanks for helping this busy mom stay fit and healthy--and sane during workout time!
I've got two boys, (almost 5 and almost 2) and they like Cathe as well. My 5-year old always stretches with me and he seems to like the older videos the best--always says she is pretty in those. I think it might be the clothes or Cathe's haircut. Perhaps it's because they wear shorts in those older ones instead of pants. He is probably like his daddy and has a thing for women's legs. My 2-year old just wants to stand in front of the TV open-mouthed, though he has also tried to lift "weights" around the house and even brought a little stool in to pretend it was his step.


I second all of the above. My son is 2 1/2, and he can spot Cathe on tv in a minute!

He also has his own "step" and he walks around with a 3 lb dumbbell in each hand!
>He also has his own "step" and he walks around with a 3 lb
>dumbbell in each hand!

wow, 3 lbs in each hand!!! He is strong 2 1/2 years old.:eek: :7
so cute .
I've got to add my 2 cents. My 5-yo. loves Cathe too. Whenever I get a new DVD (like Slow & Heavy today!) she always watches it with me. She kind of loses interest on step but she loves to lift weights. She has her own 1s, 3s, and 5s. I tell her which to use and she lifts right along with me!

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