My ceiling's too low for HSC!


It's not that big a deal but I can't do the leg press with shoulder press in HSC because my hands hit the ceiling. It's a normal ceiling height and I'm not that tall (5'4"). Anyone else with this problem?
I have the same problem and I am a half inch taller then you. It's funny because I have cathedral ceilings on the first floor in my house, but downstairs in my family room the ceiling is lower. I usually do a heavy shoulder workout during the week, so it's not a big deal if I skip the shoulder press.

How high a step are you using? If it's 14", try going to 12 or 10"

I don't hit the ceiling, but once I broke a ceiling lamp shade when doing that same move (I have a hanging lamp in the middle of my living room---which was previously used as a dining room. Guess I need to get a shorter lamp!)
I haven't tried this workout yet but I know our basement ceiling will be too low for me also. I am 5'4", so not sure what I am going to do when I do the workout. Either skip the leg presses or shoulder presses. Not sure why she combined them like that, I have a hard enough time with the leg presses and if I did shoulder presses I have a feeling I would lose my balance.

My ceiling fan and I have a fight during those leg presses with the shoulder press. I started doing the shoulder presses like the ones she does in.....shoot...either ME or Power Hour, where you "put clothes on a shelf" instead of lifting straight up.
Yup, I found myself smacking the ceiling too! I jst subbed the military press for some front delt raises and lateral raises, still working the shoulders, but avoiding the height problem!

Yes, I have that problem too. My recroom ceiling is too low and I'm 5'8". So you can imagine how far I got my arms up. I just took the shoulder presses out. I hate doing those anyways. I feel like I get an adequate shoulder workout with the other exercises.
I subbed lateral raises for the overheads, because I was having the same problem. Still working the shoulders, and I like lateral raises better anyway!
I have the same problem, so I just did the shoulder press at the bottom of the leg press, instead of the top.
Great idea Mrsmel. I'll try that next time. Although I never feel a lack of shoulder work from Cathe. She works the shoulders well in this one:eek:
I had to chuckle over your post because I work out in my family room and there's a ceiling fan in the middle of the room and if I don't position myself mindfully, I either get my fingers thwacked by a revolving blade or smack into a stationary one. It smarts! And I hate having to stop and reposition myself but it sure beats bruised digits. :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Maturity is the ability to do a job whether or not you are supervised, to carry money without spending it, and to bear an injustice without wanting to get even.

-Ann Landers

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