My Cathlete Fairy Godmother


I have a Cathlete Fairy Godmother! She just sent me an amazing gift for Christmas.

I don't know who she is, but she is the most warm-hearted person and I am grateful to her and for her.

2015 was, quite honestly, a pretty shitty year: my father died from dementia, my mother grieved deeply, my marriage hit an all-time low, and personal finances are being drained by both unemployment, as I search around for my next career move, and by having 2 daughters in college simultaneously. My Fairy Godmother knows this, learned this or intuited this and she sent me the most amazing gift to lift my spirits (and my butt!).

3 days before Christmas I received ICE from an anonymous donor, and even though Nancy, our beloved Customer Service rep, had emailed me in the summer/fall to let me know that someone from the forums wanted to send me this series as a gift, I still wasn't quite sure it would actually happen. Could I be that lucky? Would the generous person run short of money herself and have a change of heart? Did I deserve it?

As I sit here writing, ICE rests right here at my side and I am still just totally amazed at its appearance and what it signifies. Suffering from major depressive disorder as I do, I often lose heart and lose hope. Acts of generosity like this make me believe again so I can drag myself up and struggle back to fight another battle. Acts of generosity like this send me the message that I am worthy, that I can take time out of worrying about my daughters' welfare, my ailing marriage and lack of career direction and focus upon myself. Because if I don't focus on myself and stay strong and stay healthy, I can't help my daughters and I can't forge a new career and I can't move on and make a better life. Those who have an empty tank just can't keep on giving.

My Fairy Godmother has sent me some tools that I need to get up, get moving, get busy and get rebuilding and re-filling that tank. So, I'm going to start with ICE Chiseled Lower Body and then the Chiseled Upper body workouts because there's just something so empowering about building physical strength that overflows into building strength in other areas of life. Boy, do I need it! I will report back on my progress!

I have also decided that my next step is to get certified to teach modern languages at the high school level, having done this for 15 years already at the university level (with unfortunately, a pitiful salary), and move on from there into a full time job and then enrollment in a masters program in Educational Leadership because I think that's where I can play to my strengths and also contribute to my community.

I have been in a holding pattern, like an aircraft hovering about Heathrow airport waiting for permission to land, in my life for the past two years. The key to fighting depression is to get up, get out and do something. So, I am now taking action. I am moving on. ICE, this gift from my Fairy Godmother, is not just a fabulous act of generosity. It is also a symbolic message that tells me someone sees me and thinks I deserve it and so, OK, I accept and I shall prove it to the world around me.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to this wonderful person who wishes to remain anonymous but whose gift has touched me so, more than I can say.

Thank you, you are wonderful, a real treasure. I am sending you massive cyber hugs and my hopes for a healthy, happy, successful and productive 2016 for you in return.

Best wishes,

Ahhh Clare I am so happy for you. ICE in the mail? As a gift? Good Golly. Who is this generous Cathlete. What a wonderful gesture. Enjoy! I would like to say this to you Clare. You present as very knowledgeable (sp?) on the forum. It makes sense to me that you would be a teacher. And if I may stretch out a bit here - in numerology, natural teachers have 1,6, 7 and/or 2 in their birthday code e.g. day, month or year. Have fun and report back. Mine still have not arrived. I love being a Cathlete! Such a nice community of friends.

I, as well, would like to extend my sincerest best wishes for a wholesome 2016! May you be guided by the fairies of peace, hope and strength in all aspects of your life. And to the Cathlete Fairy Godmother, you are a beautiful blessing!

What an inspiration of generosity to end 2015 and begin 2016. Thank you for sharing your story!
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Clare, thank you for posting this wonderful story! It's an uplifting way to start the new year right? But also for you to post it all, paying homage to your Fairy Godmother, and showing your respect in comitting to focus on yourself. I think alot of women just give, give, give because we think thats what we're supposed to do, often losing ourselves in the process. Then add to that some of life's curveballs and you find yourself going deeper down into the proverbial rabbit hole! It's incredibly easy to become jaded with people and life....just watch the evening news. Nothing happy or uplifting. We don't see it, hear it or experience it often enough. I soooo love random acts of kindness. It's a win win situation. I try to do good for those who might need it. You never know what kind of day the recipient might be having. A simple act of kindness just might make an amazing difference in someone else's life. I'm quite excited for you Clare. Good things are to come to you this new year. Stay strong!

We have not been at the best agreement but I wish you the very best. I mean it!

Whatever is causing the depression, please get it sorted for your own health, seek for professional help. You can get through it.
You will get strong mentally and stop worrying about your daughters if you fight! You can fight and overcome.
Sincerely, My thoughts are with you. Stay strong and remember the forum is here to help!:):)

Ps what a nice gesture from the anonymous donor. Enjoy your ICE Series;);)
Wow, I just have to say, how inspirational your post is! What an amazing generous gesture by a Cathlete, and how wonderful of you to come and post such a beautiful thank you. I am so sorry that you suffered such hardships this year. May you find peace as we move into the new year. And enjoy the heck out of the new ICE series; it is awesome!

When we get to see the innate goodness of the human spirit, we are all the better for it! Like tic93 said, we don't see it on the news, but there is so much goodness in the world, much unseen, and when fortunate enough to witness it, it uplifts us all! We interact with so many people, never understanding the complexity of their lives, and when a "gift" such as this can "reboot" a soul, it somehow lightens all of our loads. This was a beautiful gift for you, but your post was an even more wonderful gift for the beautiful soul of your Fairy Godmother! Onward and upward!!
Clare, I had a tear in my eye and a lump in my throat when I read your post. You so deserve the kindness, as you've given out so much kindness through these forums.
May 2016 be a better year xx

Have you read the poem The Guest House by Rumi? I always turn to it when things don't look so rosy.
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