MY CATHE VIDEOS HAVE ARRIVED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They arrived this morning, which is pretty good considering I only ordered them on Monday !
So far, I have watched Powerhour and Rhythmic Step ! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou to all of you that recommended Rhythmic Step, I love it and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the music too !!!!

I will be watching MIS and Step Heat tonight - can't wait !

Anna :)
Hi Anna,

I'm so glad you decided to go for Rhythmic Step! It's my favourite Cathe Step tape, and although it may take you a few tries to get all the moves down, it is worth it! The music is great isn't it?

As for Power Hour - well you already know how I feel about this one!! It will do amazing things for your body if you use it twice a week.

Let us know how you get on with your new "purchases".


Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Anna, Rhythmic Step is my favorite of Cathe's step workouts. The music is great and the choreography isn't all that tough except in a couple of spots. Once you get it down, it's so much fun. I've had Step Heat for a long time and although it's easy for me now, I still love it. I think you will too. Have fun with them. MIS and PH are killer. You'll love those too.

Oh, have fun!!! I LOVE Power Hour and MIS. Learning Rythmic Step as we spek. In another day or two I should have it down pat.

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