My cat has died on Tuesday and I am so depressed


I need to share this with you my on-line friends: On the past Tuesday ( 3 of september ) my dear siamese cat named Mimosin died. He was 21 years old. I know he was very old but he was still eating, drinking and using the litter box.I am so sad. He was my only real friend and he gave me his unselfish love. He slept with me. The sun still shining and the people still living but my world has stopped. I don't matter about the new Cathe's or the new Turbo Jam's. My co-workers say I am too much sad.They say he was a cat not human - mother, brother, husband-.I missed him a lot. I can't imagine my life without him.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and Turbo Jam junkie. ;( ;( ;(
Oh Mariangeles, I'm so sorry. Our pets do most certainly become part of our family, and yours was obviously not just "a cat." May your baby rest in peace and may you find some sort of solace in the fact that you had him for so many years. Remember to take care of yourself, it will get better.

Mariangles... I am so so sorry for your loss. This brought that lump in my throat again because I lost my darling dog Jasper in August. I still miss him so much and it is hard to even look at pictures of him right now. One day at a time honey.... it's so hard but someday I hope we can only remember the joy they brought us when the pain subsides.

I am so very sorry to hear this. My cat is like a little person to me. She is something else. She talks to me with her eyes and meows to tell me something. When I am on the computer too long, she bites my fingers. lol. She also sleeps with me. She cuddles with me when no one else will as I am alone alot. She doesn't complain and every night sits on my lap. I cannot see how I could ever replace her, and would never try to. I can understand how you must feel. My cat is 12 now and she has been with me since a kitten. I don't know what to tell you, but I only hope the pain of loss will go soon for you as you remember only the joy and love your cat brought into your life.

Peace and Love,

Thank you very much Brandi, Sherry, Jane, Charlotte and everyone. I lost him the past Tuesday day 3 of october. Not everyone understand that your cat , dog... is a member of the family.

Jane I am so sorry for you and your darling dog Jasper. I am sure he knew he was very loved.

Charlotte I feel the same like you about my cat. He was a person to me too. He was with me since a kitten (I was 9 years old when he became to my life) and now I am 30 years old. Enjoy all the love and companion he gives to you.

I'm so sorry for your loss. A few months back I lost my cat. She was 16. It's still difficult but it will get better with time. Try to look at old photos and talk about your memories with Mimosin with your friends/family who knew him.

Don't listen to what other people say. These are your feelings and you had a long history with your cat.

When the time is right you might even consider adopting another cat or dog. Although it will not take Mimosin's place, he/she will still be a new friend for you to love.

I am so sorry about your loss. I have three of my own and they are so much a part of my family. People don't mean to be cruel, they just don't understand how deeply we become attached to (and love) our animal companions. In many ways they are more reliable than other human beings, they don't care what you look like and ask for so little and give so much! You were very lucky to have him for so many years, and it is no wonder that you are so sad about losing him! Don't beat yourself up or let other people tell you how you should feel. Grief is a natural process and people take a different amount of time to work through it.

Mariángeles, so sorry for your loss. I have to argue with your friends. Mimosin was part of your family and you have every right to be sad and grieve. I know when my two four legged babies go I will be mourning a family member. I wish I could say something to make you feel better. Take care of yourself!!

Mariángeles, I am so very sorry...:(...I have lost my share of cats and dogs and I know the sadness you feel. You gave your cat a very special home...Time helps us heal....[/img]

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Mimosin certainly was an old kitty! I hope he passed away peacefully.

I understand completely your missing him so much: after all, he's been with you for a long time. And strange as it seems to some people, I think one can miss an animal more than a person, because a person is more independant from us and they aren't around as much nor do we have as many daily routines tied up with them as we do with our pets, and animals often give us more unconditional love than humans.

I read a quote that was something like "The object of love may change, the feeling doesn't."

This is one reason I believe in multiple pet homes: if one passes, it doesn't leave you all alone.

Take time to grieve his passing, but also to remember the good times, and in time, think of adopting another companion in need of love and affection (or two!). Maybe in a few weeks, you can start visiting an animal shelter (I don't know if in Spain they have shelters where you could volunteer and get to know some of the cats by spending time with them, brushing them, etc., with no expectations, until one day you and one (or two) of the cats there decide you're made for each other.

My 5 kitties are sending you lots of warm, snuggly kitty affection! (
Mariángeles, I am so sorry you lost your cat friend. I know it's hard. I still grieve over the loss of my dearest kitty, Tommy. He was half siamese and was the most gentle and loving "person" in the world. He gave little kitty hugs and somehow he always knew if something was wrong and he would come and offer his sweetness and comfort. But I know that we had to let him go. Mimosin must have had the most wonderful life to reach such an old age. You should be proud of that. Kathryn's right, even though it's hard to think about now, there are so many wonderful and loving cats in the world that would love to become a part of your life. Don't rush it, don't think of it as replacing Mimosin, nothing will. But eventually you will find another furry friend/friends who you can adopt/be adopted by. Hugs!

I'm so sorry for you lost. I have three cats and a bird. Animals do become very much a part of the family and it hurts a lot when one of them dies.

Mariangles, i am so sorry to hear about your cat. i know how important pets are. i know it will take you a long time to get over losing your closest friend, but please know you are in my thoughts.



I am so, so sorry. It is so hard to lose such a beloved pet, I know. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't let anyone tell you how long you should grieve. Your pet was part of your family and you were very close. It isn't any different than losing a loved one. When I lost my beloved cat of 13 years I grieved every bit as much as I am now with the loss of my father.

Take care of yourself and allow yourself time to grieve. It will be a while before you feel normal again. The week after I lost my Sammie was a total blur for me, but it does get better with time. You might want to visit here, this site offered me special comfort in my time of loss:

Hugs Mariangeles. Yes, a pet is a part of the family. I lost my dear Ms Molly cat in July. I had a dream about her just last night. Remember your friend with fondness.

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