My Cardio Superset Review


Hi again,

Just to remind you, I'm an oldie but goodie.

After doing a delicious Turbo Barre yesterday I woke up with domsy arms and legs. Not killer, incapacitating doms, but perfect doms, the kind that remind you that "you did good".

I chose Cardio Supersets for some steadyish state cardio to give my muscles time to heal.


Caveat: I wisely chose to use 5lb weights in lieu of the demo 8lb. This was a perfect choice for me with the sore arms, I still had a nice resistance going.

I really liked the warm up. I tend to get bored with some of Cathe's warm ups, I don't know, maybe they seem to move too slow are go on forevah when I just want to get moving. But this was a great segway of good length, no static stretching, all moving movements.

I don't recall perfectly all the sets but now as I am cooling down I remember Cathe doing a fresh variation on "windmills", a side lateral lunge with a squat and extension typey thing. I don't miss "windmills".

Traveling push ups were a great challenge, I can't move to the tempo like Cathe and crew do, but I have a challenge to work up to.

She did some puddle jumpers, which I incorporated a little jump to be more like speed skaters (so far, I'm not joint challenged).

This was my first intro to discs. :confused:

I have to say that the cardio moves with discs were far, far more challenging then the moves traditionally done without them. I had to practice X-country skiiers on both my hardwood and berber to determine where I had more control. (I am using paper plates). I will need a lot more practice and my inclination is to do the moves w/o disc but clearly you lose the intensity with normal momentum.

All in all another well executed, cued to perfection workout. I have many more times to visit Cardio Supersets to master this workout.


My sequence so far:
Turbo Barre
Cardio Supersets

P.S. I can't comment on the music because I'm one of those people that concentrete completely on the moves, I stop hearing the music.
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Thaks for that review. I'm not sure I would even attempt gliding on paper plates. I'm really glad I pre-ordered and got the discs for free.
Cardio Supersets Feedback

I did Cardio Supersets plus the Step portion to equal 63 min. workout. I have to say this workout kicked my butt! I kept thinking, oh she's going to make me do these two again! I kept going, and going, and going..just about saw stars towards the end! Never ran out of breath so much, but wouldn't give up. :rolleyes: I only allowed myself once to pause the dvd, just kept pushing.

Funny - I kept thinking this looked SO FUN in the preview videos! This isn't as much fun DOING IT!

I made it through - another proud moment! I really liked the cooldown music - kind of latin, very refreshing. Another good and challenging workout!

Couple more to try!!
I think if I remember right Cathe said that this is suppose to be easier than Athletic training so I use wrist weights (1.5lbs) the whole time. It was awesome kept my hr up! I will try to use again the wrist weights with AT will see if it will work.

Im really loving this LIS with my running rotation. Thanks Cathe!

I also did Cardio Supersets today and I agree its a killer. Using the discs seems to incorporate alot more inner thigh muscles. Also the mountain climbers with the discs is really hard on the core. I had to stop a some points lol.

I did Afterburn wednesday and loved that too. Although the doms in my legs is killer. I'm still feeling it. It was yoga for me yesterday.

I really love this series. As Cathe says it really is low impact, high intensity. I have previously had two arthocopies on my right knee and recently one on my left and this series really suits my current level.

I'm looking forward to mixing all the cardio premixes from the series into a rotation with the gym styles series to see what the outcome would be.

Thanks Cathe

I find Cardio Supersets harder than Afterburn, Athletic Training, and Cycle Max by far! Maybe I'm just weird but everyone thinks Cycle Max and Afterburn are killer whereas I find those workouts to be high intermediate to low advanced.

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