My calves almost didn't make it! GS Legs...


I did GS Legs Timesaver #1 last Wednesday. This was my first time cracking open the DVD case.

By Friday, my calves were so sore that I had to walk around continuously in order to keep them "limber."

On Saturday, the muscles actually hurt to touch! I was limping and hobbling like an old lady. They hurt so badly I couldn't even do a step workout.

Clearly, my calves are NOT in shape!!

But this morning -- almost a week later -- they only hurt a bit. So I'm looking forward to working out tonight.
My calves did the same way the first time I did the calf work to that dvd. It's a sign we were getting in there and working those calves.

Yup, the DOMS from the calf work hurt the most after doing GS for the first time. Haven't had it since though. Since you work your calves with every cardio workout, you don't really need to do the calf workout in GS legs every time you do the w/o. I don't. Thighs jiggle, calves don't.

I can complete the calf work, but how about those lunges. I'm talking about those slow 4 count lunges (down for 4, hold for 4, pulse for 4, and back up for 4). Yeouch! I can do all of them on one leg, but the second leg can't get the last one in. Maybe I'll start with the opposite leg next time. I definitely had DOMS Friday AM when I woke up. I did GS Legs on Thursday. After my work out I was fine, but then DH and I went to a very late movie when i got up I was sooooo stiff. He was laughing at me!

Clare, that's a good idea about not working the calves every leg work out.

Those lunges are killers!! I'm the same way with the first leg/second leg issue. By the end of the second leg I'm falling over.
That's so funny that you posted this! I've been limping around work all day today because I did GS Legs on Saturday and my calves and quads feel like rubber chickens on fire! I keep stretching my calves out under my desk so I don't look too weird when I walk!

I'm trying to start a sort-of freestyle training thing for my legs this week, but as sore as they are, it might have to wait until Wednesday or so!

Hope your getaway sticks feel better soon!

I too, can relate to the sore calves! I did GS Legs on Friday. The whole weekend, after sitting or laying down for any length of time, I was reminded of Cathe's calf work when I stood up. I'd groan and my BF would ask, "What's wrong with you now?" He couldn't believe the soreness lasted that long! Maybe I should have him do that section. }(

My calves are in excellent shape, I love working them. But every time I do GS Legs, they hurt for four to five days. Just like the original post described. Love that calf work!!!
Debbie in OH
Hi PennStater! I know exactly what you mean. My calves are always SINGING to me but I do the entire workout. My calves are so puffy & the DOMS are terrible that even after 3 days every step I take is painful LOL It doesn't get any better know matter how many times you do this workout! I had the exact same thought as Clare. You really don't have to work your calves this hard. And those lunges by the time I'm on the very last one I just can't go deep anymore I'm getting shallower & shallower on the 2nd leg. And so is Cedie! Ha! Kathy:D
I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one!!

Good point about not working the calves on every leg workout.

And those lunges. Mine get shallower too :)

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