My baby can't sleep thru a night


Hello everyone,

My 6-month-old daughter still wake up in the middle of night. According to her doctor, she should be able to but she can't... The doctor also told me that she's not waking up because she's hungry. I've been gibing her a bottle of water that helps her to go back to sleep. She has baby eczema and I'm wondering if that has something to do with.... Is ther anyone out there who has/had the same problem? Now I'm really wonder when I can sleep a whole night withtout waking up for her.....
Hi I had 3 kids and they allslept different But my third woke up constantly so after at about 6 months old he threw himself out of the crib and landed on the hard wood floors he slept w/me Now Iknow most people really frown on this but I got a full night s rest after doing this He really liked to be next to someone And guess what he is now 14 and sleeps in his own bed. And to tell you the truth it would be nice to cuddle with him agagin From my personal experience children grow up so fast Of corse while they are young you do not believe it but 1 day you will wonder where the time weny I strongly suggest enjoying every precious minute I don't know if it will help your child to sleepw/you but that is just my experience good luck
I have a book at home How to solve your child sleep problems can't remember author Iiwllsee what he says I am at work Iwill check when iget home
Every baby is different, but my daughter (who will be 13 in a couple of months) has never been one to sleep very well ... except on school mornings - LOL! She was still getting up at night about that age, and it turned out she was already teething. She was drooling constantly around 5 months, and the first tooth came through the gums around 7 months. I'm sure it hurt, and that's why she woke up, because like yours, she wasn't hungry. I used to just rub her back for a few minutes until she fell back to sleep. I honestly don't think she slept well through the night until she was in school. I mean that. She's never been a good sleeper. She's a night owl, just like mom! Anyway, check your daughter's gums for any signs of tenderness. You might even be able to feel the beginnings of a little tooth under there somewhere - usually in the front first. Good luck! I remember by the time she was six months old and still waking up, I never realized I could be so sleep deprived and still keep going every day! Moms are amazing.

Remedy for teething

Hi Nobuko! I feel your pain, but be assured that this too shall pass. I have a son, now 13, who is just like Carol's daughter and has always been a restless sleeper and night owl. He was about 6 months old when teething started keeping him awake. A little mommy comfort and a sip of cool water usually got him back to sleep. It did interrupt my night, but both he and I survived it, and you will too. :)

I wanted to share with you a remedy my pediatrician gave me 16 years ago (for son number one!) for teething. It was brilliant. Buy plain bagels, cut them into quarters and freeze the quarters in a baggie. Give a frozen bagel quarter to your little munchkin to gnaw on. It's fist-sized for a little one, cold and comforting and firm to gnaw on, and if tiny bits of bagel break off, they're soft and safe.

This worked like a charm for both of my sons and I've passed the tip along to many friends since then who've used it successfully, too.

Two important cautions: First, using this remedy assumes your baby doesn't have any gluten or wheat allergy -- if so, you'd have to find wheat and gluten-free bagels which I know they sell at Whole Foods here). And second -- and this is VERY important -- You still must watch her carefully, and take the piece of bagel away from baby when it gets soggy or small enough to be put into her mouth whole.

Hope you and she sleep better soon! Kathy S.
I went through the same problem with my son, now 9 months old. I started out having him sleep in the bed with us but I don't recommend that. It is really hard to wean them off of sleeping with you--harder on the parents! I bought a book called "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" by Tracy Hogg which was a miracle for me. She does not believe in letting babies "cry it out" like Dr. Ferber ("Solve your Child's Sleep Problems"). She also has a website ( which is very informative--check out the message board--just about any sleep problem you have has been addressed on there. Giving the bottle every time your baby wakes up creates what is called a prop and it makes it difficult for the baby to put him/herself back to sleep because they wake up expecting it and get upset when it is not there. Baby Whisperer gives tips on how to wean a baby off a prop.

Good luck and know that there is a solution--and, it only takes a few nights for it to be solved.
The eczema could definitely be causing your baby to not sleep well. Are you doing anything to treat it? We use Aquaphor and it is absolutely wonderful. You could also use hydrocortisone ointment also on the areas affected by eczema, but make sure that your baby can't scratch there and get the ointment on her hands. Our pediatrician has also recommended Benadryl for when our daughter is really itchy, but I've only used it once - I don't like to medicate her unless she's really uncomfortable. My older son had severe eczema and was on prescription meds a lot when he was an infant to ease the itchiness - he was just miserable and didn't sleep through the night for a very long time.

Hope you and your baby get some sleep soon.

Oh - and I second the recommendation for the technique in the Baby Whisperer to get your baby to sleep - it's excellent and has worked so well for us.


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