My 50K do deserve it...:)

Wendy...thanks....I do have a little bump...:)

Tammy...thanks...I will rest...kinda...:)

Shelly...old runners a$$, you are a speedy granny cheetah, and your words mean so much to me....thanks....:)

Thanks Robyn....I will look into the massage....if only Laurie was not so far away...:)

I'm sorry about your run. But like everyone else said already, there's always next time.

I don't know if this LONG STORY will make you feel better, but...I ran for 20 years (I'm almost 44). When I was 38 - or was it 39 - can't remember now - I decided to do a marathon. I trained my @ss off. I suffered through hip and ankle issues, but kept at it. It was a new marathon, but I wasn't smart enough to do the research that probably would have told me not to do a new one my first time. Anyway, it was AWFUL!!! It was a really tough course. It was HOT - 90 degrees. There weren't as many aid stations as there were supposed to be b/c there was some confusion on who was supposed to show up to work them, so they just didn't have them. My sister went with me and was waiting at the finish and all these people were wondering where their friends and family were b/c they were so overdue. People who were coming in were all commenting on the level of difficulty and how it took them so much longer than planned. I ran with people at different points and one guy told me that was his 7th marathon and it was by far the most difficult. A gal who helped train me said she was always within about 10 minutes of guessing when someone would finish. I was an hour behind her guess! At the end of the marathon I could hardly walk b/c my ankles hurt so bad. I didn't run for a year after that - after 20 years of running. I went back to running a year later but my hip is trashed and my ankles can't take it anymore. :( The only time I run now is when I'm on vacation and I LOVE it but my body hates it. I wish so much that I could go back and do another marathon just to get a respectable time but there's no way I can do all that running anymore. When I read Sarah's (imafitnessfreak) recount of her first marathon and what a great experience it was, I was SO happy for her but I wanted to cry b/c that's the kind of experience I wanted. BUT...the good news is that I switched to cycling and I LOVE it. And DH is a cyclist too, so of course he's overjoyed, as he had tried to get me to switch for a number of years before my marathon. WILL have another chance. It was just a bad day for you. You have many years of running ahead of you and this will be but a distant memory in no time. Look forward. And hang in there!!! You are still such an inspiration to so many people here.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Well Carole, you still had alot accomplished.Over 13 miles is wonderful.Impressive in my book.
50 k is what 30 miles. That is alot to handle. I wouldn't even try to do it. I am impressed on what you do.
Don't beat yourself up. It was an off day.
We all have those.Your bod said rest me and you listened. It had enough..
After all we exercise to keep our bodies healthy(and look good).
Mine says no at times . I just keep going the next day...

Still 3 cheers for Carole.
I know you must be so disappointed Carole but YOU STILL ROCK!!! Just think of how hard you trained and also the fact that you went for it. I agree...take a look at the WHOLE picture! Rest up some and we wish you the best for your 30K!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Carole, even on best day I would take one of your worst day. Let me tell you, you inspire all of us to run if it is only down the street. I know it didn't turn out exactly what you had hoped for but I know you have said each time is a learning experience. What did we learn from this. #1 You are awesome #2 Don't hit your head #3 Your legs were telling you something and you listned ( more than some of us ever would) You learned so much. Most importantaly you learned how much we all love you . AND WE DO!!!!
Thank you Anne...:)...I'll just have a small pity party for myself today and then get serious tomorrow...:)

Susan...thank you so much for sharing that story. You really never quite know what will happen in any marathon or longer distance run. My first marathon was not bad at all, so I can't complain. I know it had to be awful for you and I think the longer I run I recognize that distance running is NOT for everyone. And that should never make you feel bad, you should do whatever exercise makes you feel good!! I am fortunate as I don't have to many problems with injuries (a few yes). It is awesome you took up cycling with your DH..:)...I agree about Sarah, I have never known anyone that had that kind of speed and experience in their 1st marathon, she really is an inspiration and has helped so many people here...:)
Thank you Karen and always makes me feel better to visit this forum, because of people like you...[/img]
Hi Carole,
Sorry it didn't turn out like you were hoping, but you definitely did the smart thing. You will come back stronger. No doubt in my book. I salute you as you are absolutely incredible and a very well-rounded person, which is even more more impressive to me.

On my longer distanced cyling rides, I have a tendency to get leg cramps in my inner thighs and they are uncontrollable, except to get off the bike and stretch. Cardio okay, energy okay, leg muscles toast. If I could just keep my legs stretched down they would be okay, except that you have to bring your leg up to pedal (when the cramp occurs). I drink lots of Cytomax, water, take endurolytes and still have this problem. Also have been having foot pain in the heat. We all have things to deal with in these extreme (relatively speaking) endeavors.

Like my Dad would say, "if it was easy, everyone would do it."

You go, girl!

Carole, I'm so sorry you didn't have the run that you wanted, but what you did accomplish was still fantastic!

Hope you can figure it out for next time!!

Carole, I haven't been online this weekend and am so sorry to be bringing up the rear here! I just wanted to echo what's been said here so eloquently. What an awesome, amazing thing it is that you put in the time, discipline, careful preparation and heart and soul to make this run, AND THEN after all that you were smart and humble enough to recognize that your body wasn't agreeing to have a 50K day!!! I'm just in awe. You GO, girl!!!

I hope your well-deserved mini-pity party was tons of fun ;-), and that today's been a much better day. You just keep on inspiring all of us, okay??? :)

Hugs! Kathy S.
Don't you just hate when your body betrayes you? With seemingly no reason the legs just stop working? Those downhills got you?
Anyway, chin up girl, you are STILL an awesome runner despite the today's problem. Every runner has a race or two when things just don't click.
Pity party is fine today, but I hope tomorrow will be another great and positive day for you! All the best, Mari
Carole, props to you from The Bald One. I'm a complete Non-Runner, and event training and participation is just not something that I do. I deeply respect those who do put themselves to these tests.

This is an interesting passage from Lance Armstrong's book "It's Not About The Bike", in which he reflects on competing in the Tour De France:

"The thing that makes winning so difficult, and I mean winning anything, even a five-cent ring toss much less the Tour, is that the mind and body almost never work together cooperatively. Mostly, we are at odds with ourselves, and for a road cyclist, this is especially true: when your body gets tired it's the job of your mind to override the impulse to stop. Or, when your mind wants more than can rightly be accomplished, it's the job of your body to tell you it needs food and water before it does anything else. Occasionally, the two workin concert, and what happens then is, you fly up the Huatacam. When they're in direct opposition, you bonk on the way to Morzine."

IMHO this is a tough time of year for endurance competitions, with the increased heat and humidity. My hat is off to you and my skull gleams for you for making it as far as you did. I myself shaved off about an hour of my traditional 3-hour workout this a.m. because of the environmental conditions.

October, here Carole comes! ;-)

Carole, I know you are disappointed but no matter, you are still my hero!!! :) In my opinion, all that matters is you went out and gave it a go. I always assume there was a reason it didn't work out and move on to the next one so here's to your next run! :)

Hi Carole, I am having a rough day today (because of my a.m. long run) so I have not been here much this weekend and did not get to read the responses to your post (sorry guys;( ) I wanted to see what you had to say about your experience.

All I can say is you are more inspirational and heroic to me than you were yesterday. Thanks for being that person to me!
Oh Sweet, sweet SuperCarole!
I just got on the computer and saw this. I'll post hugs here {{{{}}}}} and hugs in the cheetah check-in, but you know we love you anyway!
I'm sure we can figure this out and don't forget, your mileage is consistently very high, and your leg work is very heavy, and you have the strongest legs and endurance of anyone I know.
You're still my hero!
}( :D :)
Thanks Marie...some days are just like that...:)

Jeanette...I do like your Dad's saying...:)..I am very fortunate to not get any kind of leg cramps while running. That would be very tough to get thru...thanks for your kind words...

Mari....YES, I do hate my body betraying me!! I even did downhill training for this run?...and I know I will be just fine tomorrow...thanks...:)

Kathy...thank you...I did have a good day today although my sore quads made walking a bit tough!! I do feel good about my decision to pullout...:)

A-Jock...thank you for that passage from Lance Armstrong. I know all about the mind helping from marathon running. Yes, this was for sure a Bonk! It is a tough time of year for competing in hot, humid weather. Where I ran it wasn't the heat persay but perhaps the elevation that was my undoing. I am glad even with the not favorable weather conditions that you are able to keep up your awesome workouts...:)

Thanks Jo...I have been thinking about just that reason a few times today!...:)

Sarah...sorry about the rough day for you, I know all to well long runs can do that..Thank you for making me smile with your kind words...:)

Mattea....thank you for those warm hugs...:)...I will recover and give my legs a rest this week, but the whip comes out next week!!!

Sorry you are disappointed! I can relate- I somehow lost about 3 minutes PER MILE after the first 5 miles of my half! I cannot explain how or where, but I lost 20 minutes altogether from my first half marathon time of 2h 4 min... :( I got done and told DH that my knee hurt a lot until I twisted my ankle... when I had something new to think about! But now my knee pain has taken over again. I think if it had not been a point to point run, I never would have finished! I still don't know what happened!! I think I told myself after the first hour that it was okay that I didn't beat my first half time- I wasn't in school then, and I was prepared for that one! Not to mention I hadn't worked 2 jobs and school on top of that for the 6 months prior to my first half. And it was warm out there today!!!

That said, I, like you, have a fall run to look forward to. (Another half in November.) Are we crazy or are we crazy? :+

Okay, I've been awake for 3 hours. It's time to get back to bed!! I slept 8+ hours last night, then the 2 hours in the car home, then I was awake for 1.5 hours, then I slept 3 hours, and have been awake for 3. I better sleep well and get a full night's rest tonight!!

I'm glad you listened to your body. You set such a great example for all of us around here!!!
Thanks Amy...knee pain is not fun to run thru! I hope it goes away soon...I have also done halfs that just didn't turn out the way I expected...Yes, I have been referred to as crazy many times...[/img]
Carole - You really are an inspiration. I mean, we all know that it's better to turn back before we reach the top of that mountain if we will hurt ourselves in the process, but when we are in the middle of obtaining that goal we tend to get so focused on the goal that we don't listen to what our bodies are telling us. The mountain, the race, whatever, will be there again. If we don't really listen to our bodies, we might not be there to try again. But it's so hard to use our brains and turn around. I think the definition of a true winner is knowing when to not finish. You're a HUGE winner in my book!
Thanks my fellow cheetah Christine! I know stopping was right and yes, I do want to be there to try again...:)...

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