Thanks sister did get (Phil's) email address so we can keep in contact as we are adding him and his son to our prayer list at church..
Becky....Thank you, if only I could get a million for doing that!!!
...yes trail runs at any distance are fun to me..
Thanks ankle is actually ALOT better today.
Judy...thanks...I was a bit concerned with the 3 day a week running. I am sure the Imaxes and circuit workouts helped me very much..
Kali...good morning to I said my ankle is much better and I am really not as sore as i thought that downhill running woud make me...
Laurie...thank you!...okay then, I'm coming over for that massage...
Thanks Jeanette...the run was in Pollock Pines CA. On the way to Lake Tahoe. We ran around this beautiful lake that I did occasionally look at, but better to keep my eyes on the trail...
Sabrina...thanks....I'm glad I didn't hurt anything to bad either. You can take some nasty spills on trails...
Thanks Edie...
Thanks Carla...I know Cathe's workout do help me keep strong and healing shouldn't take too long...
Wendy...thank you. How are you feeling?? I see it is getting very close. How exciting!!
Thanks Missy...
Hey Mari!! Thanks...meeting some great people is of course something you do look forward to in this kind of run. I am doing yardwork today and letting my body relax...
All of you ladies are really sweet....and have made my day...