My 17 yo son did Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Biceps


He is now sitting on the couch barely able to raise his arms. lol He started out wanting to use the same weights that Cathe uses. Yeah right. By the time it was over it was reaching for 5 pounders. lol The band work did him in good. I think he enjoyed it. He kept asking how Cathe can lift such heavy weights for so many reps.
Hey that shows how tough cathes workouts are!! Guess what! After reading this I ask my husband to do a cathe weight workout with me tomorrow. I am so mean!!!

It is great your son got to experience the great cathe!!

Good for You And your son .. I have a 17 year old too . Next time he teases me I'm gonna tell him about your post !!! Maybe he will try it too LOL
RE: My 17 yo son did Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Bic...

He actually ended up taking a nap as he was worn out. His friend just called him and I heard him on the phone telling him that he was taking a nap because he worked out with weights and was tired. lol
RE: My 17 yo son did Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Bic...

My son is a l5-year-old, 6'5", 305 pound defensive lineman on his high school football team. He's been a starter since he was a freshman, and his coach thinks he's the best in the league. (Yes, I'm bragging, of course, as any good mother must, but there's a point.) The child twirls my 120 pound barbell (the highest it will go) like a baton! In fact, this summer he was actually tossing it up in the air and catching it . . . and laughing. His football team practices 1 1/2 hours each morning and 3 hours every evening, and he also lifts weights for an hour in his sports fitness class.

Despite all this, he whines and cries and refuses to do Cathe with me during the off-season because it's just too hard! :) Cracks me up! It's the endurance aspect of it, I think. So MANY reps so fast. And he just laughs at low ends, as if a person would be insane to even attempt them. When he tries to keep up with Cathe at a weight that's even remotely challenging to him (remember my barbell only goes to 120), he gives up halfway through. He just can't do it. Bwah ha ha ha!

He's always challenging me with some of his football moves, and I usually surprise him because, while they are difficult, I can almost always do them. On the other hand, he just laughed at me when I challenged him to do a pike on the ball. (Insert another evil laugh here.)

Cathe has definitely earned his respect, and since I'm working out with her regularly, he's pretty impressed with me, too. That's a very nice feeling. Teenagers are a tough crowd.

Shari }(
RE: My 17 yo son did Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Bic...

Wow! 6'5 and 305! My almost 15 ds does Cathe for abs in addition to his own w/o with my stab. ball. He especially likes combining ME abs with some segments of ab hits or ballwork from PUB or KPC. He has an awesome sixpack! (just shows me what I have hiding under this nice layer of extra He does his own weight work with his machine, but I am insisting he try the bicep section of Me!

He also does spinervals on my spin bike. Slays him!!! I keep getting him to try KPC (he does tae bo sometimes when it rains and he can't run), but he resists because of some of the moves in the drills. Marnie
RE: My 17 yo son did Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Bic...


Congrats on getting you son to do GS BSB, and he actually finished it.


I know the feeling, I train college football players and when we do challenge day, where I do their workout and they got to do mine, most whine and cry about 10 minutes into Cathe, and then after the aerobics they get to do the weight lifting, they are all macho at first and by the end, I usually have the highest weight out of everyone, and I generally am 1/3 of what everyone else weighs. Now those that have been around for more then a year or two, they now whine and cry and beg me not to do the lady with big weights for the challenge this year. But with the new guys who think it can't possibly be that hard, are now challenging me to bring something in.

RE: My 17 yo son did Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Bic...

I just love to hear these stories about sons and husbands whining about Cathe. Makes me feel like a rough, tough breed of woman.

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