my 11 yr old got her!!!!

I was twelve, and I skipped months every once in a while until I was about thirteen. I couldn't use a tampon until 15 or 16. It just wouldn't go in! Good luck, she may not be regular for a while!

I was going to post something like this, Girls periods in their first year are not that regular I wouldn't panic yet. My daughter was 14 when she got her period and was pretty normal and regular and the second year not to bad but started to get unregular and in the past 4 months her period went nuts, she is now 17 and she was having a period every two weeks and just last month started it and it went for almost a whole month, I took her back to the gynocologist and she finally put her on a birth control pill and three days later her period finally stopped, as for regulating, she has yet to start to see if all is well. she is just happy to have it stop,
I have one more daughter to go through this, right now she is 12 and hasn't started her period yet.
Oh, Anne, I had the same experience when I started at age 11. We were on a family trip to NYC and I thought I must be dying since all this blood was coming out of me and I had no idea what a period even WAS!! This was in the late sixties and I know I was early for that time. The periods were pretty irregular for that first year and maybe more. I think girls now mature a bit earlier. I have seen slender regular tampons that I think are code for teens but I too would hold off on the tampons for now. She probably needs to get a better sense of her body "down there" before she's ready. I started them in high school. The pads are kind of a pain (a friend said "it's like wearing a mattress between your legs) but at least they don't have to be worn with that garter like thing that I started with (anyone remember THOSE??)

Anyway, don't worry. It's not abnormal to start at her age. And needless to say, I'm sure you've explained to her exactly what the ramifications are of having a period! (now THAT would be harder than the tampon conversation with an 11 year old!)


I was only 10 when I got my period. It was quite irregular for a few years, and in fact when I was 12, I didn't get my period for several months! I was totally excited, I thought it was gone for good! On the tampon issue, I would say let her decide what works for her. Lay out all the available options and if she's comfortable with trying tampons, what can it hurt? Just don't do what my mom did and tell her that tampons will give you cancer!!


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