"must have" strength DVDs


Active Member
Thanks again for all of the questions you have answered for me in the past. I am back again looking for advice. I currently have all Gym Styles, Slow & Heavy, MM, ME, Buts & Gutts, Legs & Glutes, and the Pyramids (along with various other cardio/circuit). Are there any other strength DVDs that you would consider a "must have"? I think I need to work primarily on building strength. I value all of your opinions. Thanks!

It sounds like you've got all the ones I'd say you need to have, so here's my suggestion: A few weeks ago, I picked up "Muscle & Fitness Hers" magazine at the store. It was fantastic! They summarized and illustrated 3-4 different workout plans, one of which was a 6-week program designed to bust strength training plateaus, and it was unlike anything I've seen Cathe do. And there was an illustrated ab workout that looked like "da bomb"! There was also a shoulder workout that was designed more for the gym, but I think it could be modified for the home, as well.

I'd tell you to get a subscription, but I guess this magazine doesn't allow people to subscribe. I've looked everywhere for a way to get a subscription and came up with nothing. I found my copy at my local Meijer super store.

Hey Catwoman...which issue of M&F HERS was that article in?? I'm guessing the May/June issue?


P.S. If you goto M&F HERS' website and click "Contact Us" there is a pull down menu at the beginning of the form I think it says something like "Select Category", one of the selections is "Subscription Request".

Thanks for the suggestions. I will look for the magazine today. As for CTX I'll need to start saving. I have considered getting it before but the expense at one time kind of puts me off. Thanks again!

Pure Strength series.

Power Hour is pretty darn good.

And probably her new stuff that she'll be filming - the 3- and 4- day splits.

I really like the Pure Strength Series. It compliments the videos you have quite well.

Power Hour is awesome too -- I love that workout. It is upbeat, fun, and still demanding! The bicep part is killer!

Supersets and Push/Pull are other strength videos you might want to consider.

But if like me, money is a factor in your decision, then I'd say go with the Pure Strength Series.

And Cathe has announced that she is doing another all strength video series this year.

Best of Luck!

Thank you all for your input here.

I was going to try the "Slow and Heavy Series".

I guess I would not be disappointed with any of Cathe's weight training DVDs!


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