Music on CTX was the Best !

I loved the music in the Body Blast series more than any Music Cathe has chosen.

We are all so diverse in what we prefer and don't prefer. That's what makes us all so special.

I'm sure what ever Cathe chooses will suit the workouts to a "T".

I loved the CTX era music too! The soundtracks for Leaner Legs, Cardio Kicks, and Circuit Max were perfect.
I like the Intensity series with the exception of a few songs ('Pina colada" and "Buttercup") Actually, I think Imax 2 music is wonderful.
As for Body Blast... very hit and miss. I really don't mind some of the recognizable songs-- I thought I would dislike them all, but I agree with the poster who described some of the songs as too slow and whiny. There really is nothing worse than a power ballad, in my opinion. I think a good driving beat is the most important thing, too. Kick, Punch, and Crunch definitely has it.
I also enjoyed the music on the Intensity and B. Blast series better than the CTX series. I hope she stays with the same music folks who provided for the IS and BB series.
I agree....CTX and KPC has the best Cathe music of all time. Not a fan of top 40 music at all, plus it seems to date the workouts a little more......just my opinion....don't hurt me!
I have seen that people don't care for the music in CTX, but I love techno/club music, so it was right up my alley. I also LOVED the music for the intensity series. The music during some of those intervals in IMAX2 is why I got through them. Cathe has a gift when it comes to choreographing and selecting music. I am sure that she will do a wonderful job. While some of the selections aren't my fave, it usually matches the workout moves.


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