Muscles response depending on Body composition

Hi Cathe,

I know you are busy with upcoming project but got a burning question. Considering exercises are performed correctly with good form, it is possible that muscles respond quickly when the exerciser body is composed of less body fat percentage? Based on my experience working out with you at home, I am now getting quicker responses and feeling the muscles working, as I am performing them now than when I started. Would you mind sharing some science on this? My hamstrings respond quicker and I am not getting response from my front leg muscle....I would be grateful if you could give some tips

I love lifting the weight as a hobby, I am not a fitness professional. That is why my knowledge is still being built up.

Thanks and again I am looking forward to boarding the train:)

Nathalie k
Hi Nathalie! If I’m understanding you correctly what you're describing doesn’t really have anything to do with your change in body composition, instead it is related to the effort, repetition and time you have put into your strength training. Getting stronger is not just about developing muscles, but also increasing neural pathways to your muscles. You’ve probably heard of the concept “muscle memory” as I’m sure many people have, but the memory is not in your muscle – it’s in your brain.

Your brain is like a computer and it needs to first be programmed and then wired properly to do a task. The way you program and wire your brain as far as exercise or any body movement is concerned is by repeating a move over and over. Just about everyone who first attempted a cartwheel probably failed and looked extremely awkward trying. But after countless attempts and practice the same person who used to not even be able to do one cartwheel can now effortlessly do many. Even if this person takes years off from doing a cartwheel they probably will still be able to do them if they try in the future. That’s because their brain has already been programmed and the neural pathways still exist.

In strength training before we can properly develop a muscle we first need to teach the muscle how to work with other muscles during compound movements. We also need the brain to contract as many muscle fibers as possible, and at times we want the brain to contract the muscle fibers with as much force as it safely can. The reason you’re feeling the muscles more now is because you have programmed your brain and developed the neural pathways to many of your muscles. You’re now recruiting more muscle fibers each time you do a rep and you’re contracting each fiber with greater force – all thanks to muscle memory!

Hi Cathe,

I know you are busy with upcoming project but got a burning question. Considering exercises are performed correctly with good form, it is possible that muscles respond quickly when the exerciser body is composed of less body fat percentage? Based on my experience working out with you at home, I am now getting quicker responses and feeling the muscles working, as I am performing them now than when I started. Would you mind sharing some science on this? My hamstrings respond quicker and I am not getting response from my front leg muscle....I would be grateful if you could give some tips

I love lifting the weight as a hobby, I am not a fitness professional. That is why my knowledge is still being built up.

Thanks and again I am looking forward to boarding the train:)

Nathalie k
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Hi Cathe,

Thank you very much for answering.

All the best with Glassborough road trip. I will be watching cathletes having fun on livestream.:)

Kind Regards,

Nathalie K

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