Muscle Max vs Muscle Endurance - which is harder?

Muscle Max vs Muscle Endurance - which is harder?

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I noticed ME was voted the hardest total body workout. I just wonder now that MM is out what everyone thinks is the hardest total body weight workout
MM and ME are both for advanced exerciser. The resistance band add more intensity in the MM workout.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
I voted ME b/c I remember really feeling the "burn" several times during the workout although it has been a while since I've done ME. ME seems harder to me while I'm doing it. I can use heavier weights in MM do to the slower count and I always have nice, light DOMS in parts of my back I usually don't have DOMS in.
The biceps in ME are a burner. Still can't make it thru. Will have to use soup cans LOL.

There are going to be varying opinions on this one. Personally,I like MM, just because it's something new and different, but ME is a harder workout (IMO). The ab workout in ME is something I do on a weekly basis and I think it is a better routine than the abs in MM.

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