Muscle Max or Pyramids?


Active Member
Hi everyone. Could anyone give me advice as to which one of these DVDs to buy? I`m looking for another strength workout and just can`t decide lol. I already have the Slow and Heavy Series, Power Hour+, Superstes/Push Pull, Timesaver and Muscle Endurance DVD`S if that helps! Thanks.
Oh dear, I don't think there's any way I could choose! I love them both so much.

Having said that, I'm going to go for it and tell you to buy........the Pyramids. They're such phenomenal workouts and I use them more than MM, I think. Both PUB and MM have awesome ab segments, though. The Pyramids are nice to split up upper and lower body during the week and then I'll add on MM on one of the weekend days. If you can only buy one, I say buy the Pyramids but I really think you should get (and need!) both.;) ;)
Funny you should mention this today. I was just trying to decide if I need Muscle Max.

(Plus I was prowling through other DVDs premixes trying to categorize the weights.)

PS. I LOVE the Pyramids! :D
I like the pyramids better. I like the other workout too, but I think I get a better focused strength training wo with the pyramids. And I love the ab section on PUB and the floor section of PLB
I have both and love both but I reach for the Pyramids more. I love the ab section and I am always challenged and always feel worked out in a good way. You should get both :) but get the Pryamids first!
Thanks for the replies everyone. I think I will be be going with the Pyramids then though I probably will end up buying Muscle Max at some point lol.
Both!!! Boy, that sure was helpful. Normally when I do Pyramids for a while, I do one uppper, one lower, and one whole body premix day. I don't like the lower premix for MM as much, I think its too short, so have to add on other things. For your money, the Pyramids is more versatile bc you can do splits and full body on the same disc, very effectively. I bought MM 1st, then the Pyramids,but if I had to do it again, I would have gotten the Pyramids 1st. But you NEED both of them!!!


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