muscle gain


Ok, how the heck do you accomplish muscle gain?! Is it working each body part once or twice a week, heavy, low weights, low, high reps wish is it? any advice would gretly be appreciated!

Thank you!
I'm trying to gain muscle, but I'm very new to serious weight training, so I'm next to clueless. I think heavy is the way to go though. I just finished a 3 week rotation of Slow & Heavy, and I'm pretty tired. Hoping all that work and my better food choices are pointing me in the right direction.
I'm no expert but the way I seem to gain muscle is by eating clean and lifting heavy. I think it's also important to have enough recovery time before working the same muscle group again. You are damaging the muscle during training. So the gain comes after the muscle recovers from this damage, essentially becoming stronger. I'm not sure I explained this very well. Maybe someone else could explain it better.

It's also important to get enough sleep.
The "Encyclopedia of Muscle and Strength" outlines programs for either hypertrophy (muscle size) or strength, and the parameters are different.

For hypertrophy (size gain), it's recommended to do sets of 10-12 reps, about a minute rest inbetween sets, 3 sets per exercise, going to failure on most sets.

For strength, use fewer reps, longer rests between sets (up to 3 mn), not going to failure on most sets.
You might want to check the Hardcore Maniacs Checkin threads. Some of the women lift pretty heavy, and they might be able to help. At any rate, reading their posts might give you some ideas.
When I first started serious weight training I worked each body part once a week w/a 6 day split, one body part per day. That's still my preferred routine but sadly it won't fit my work schedule.

During the last 6 months I've made some really major strength gains, which I attribute to weight gain but still, it's been like nothing I've ever been through before. I didn't just break a plateau, I exploded through it. I increased my weights not once, but twice, from 5-30 lbs, depending on the body part & exercise.

So it's w/a 3 day split, 2 body parts per day. I do 4-5 exercises per body part, 3 sets 8-10. When I find myself doing 10 reps for all 3 sets, I increase the weight on the 3rd set. When I find myself doing 10 reps on this increased 3rd set, I increase the weight for all 3 sets.

Part of this is not letting yourself settle into a comfort zone. Building muscle is not easy--you know, the whole "no pain, no gain" thing. You really have to push yourself.

Then there's the cardio. Initially you might want to limit it to 4 days a week, 30-40 minutes (but NO MORE than 40 minutes). Too much cardio will allegedly burn off muscle mass (I say allegedly b/c I personally haven't experienced this, but if the experts say it's so it must be true, right?).

Good luck!

ETA: I forgot diet! Lots & lots 'o' protein! Probably some carbs too, but I'm still a little leery of carbs. ;-)
That is a REALLY great article.:) The only thing negitive for me, is the suppliments pre and post workout. I am actually trying the less cardio while I lift heavy with PS this month and see how it goes.

>That is a REALLY great article.:) The only thing negitive for
>me, is the suppliments pre and post workout. I am actually
>trying the less cardio while I lift heavy with PS this month
>and see how it goes.

I know. I don't take all those supplements. I like the articles, but I ignore the supplement recommendations.
I follow John Berardi's supplement recommendations which are very simple and sensible to me.... fish oil, greens+, protein powder. I was taking BCAA, pre- workout while I was cutting for my swimsuit. It's just added protein supplement.

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