Muscle Endurance/Pyramid barbell help! Troy Lite?


Hey all you ME fans... I just struggled through my first ME yesterday... man was it tough! But I felt so good when it was finally over... How the heck Cathe is able to talk through all of that work is beyond me... anyway, I need equipment advice... I've got just abt everything I need to do ME and Upper/Lower Pyramids -- which will be the strength training portion of my program for the next several months --

I need to be able to keep up the plate changing pace and I think all I need is to get the Troy Lite bar so everything slides on and off with ease. (Right now I'm using a standard bar w/ screw on clips -- it's very awkward to change plates and to hold). Anyway, I have standard chrome plates and clips, which I think will fit the Troy Lite bar. Don't really think I need to get the rubber encased ones -- trying to save some money. I think Cathe uses the Troy Lite for curls and squats in ME and Pyramids, doesn't she? Does anybody find that these help you keep up the pace in these DVDs? Also, which weight does she start with for the squats? Is it 40 plus the bar, or 35 plus the 5 lb bar to equal 40?

Loaded question, I know, but I just want to make sure I'm doing everything correctly.

Thanks for any help/advice from the veterans. :)
When Cathe says she's using a 40-lb. BB, that includes the 5 lb. bar -- 35 lbs. worth of plates plus the 5 lb. bar.

I do use the Troy Lite bar with a hodgepodge of plates I got at Wal-mart and Oshman's, and the clips I got at Sears. All work well together. The clips do make it easier to follow Cathe's workouts. Those screw-on things take longer.

Those Pyramids are a killer!:) But in a good way. Good luck.

thanks Pinky! That's just what I needed. I just wish I could go to a retail store and pick up the Troy Lite bar. I hate waiting.x(

take care!

I don't have a Troy Lite bar, but I did find these clips that you just squeeze and then they go back together, which is much easier than the screw on ones and they fit my regular barbell. I think I got them at Big 5 or maybe any sporting good store where they sell Babrbell's and plates....Carole

did those squeeze things fit over your barbell with rings for the screw on kind? that's the main problem I'm having. the squeeze ones I have don't fit over the grooves (for screw ons) to hold the weights in place. If I can buy some at Big 5, I may have solved my problem. Lemme know. Thx.
Both of my Barbells don't have grooves. My 20lb barbell had kinda like a guard before you put on the plates...then the sleeve with the screw in it that tightens the plate in place. I use the squeeze ones on my 8lb barbell that came in a weightset that I got at Target. Maybe the squeeze ones come in diff sizes, although I don't know...I hope you can find some that work...Carole

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