muscle endurance=muscle torture


just did muscle torture uh, I mean muscle endurance today. OUCH x( !! I am new to Cathe and wanting more- even though she almost made me cry today. how does everyone else feel about this workout? That glute lift move what a killer.

I love this one! I just did it two days ago. I'm not too sore but at first it really made me sore! I think the time really flies by too!
This workout kicks my butt! I've only had it about 3 weeks and have done it about 4 times. I can't do all the stationary lunges yet because my muscles just burn and I'm only using a 20 lb. barbell! I'm sticking with it and I can't wait till I can do the whole routine with the amount of weight that Cathe uses. It's a goal to strive for. Good luck, Wendy

I've also decided that I can't do this workout at 6am. before work because my arms feel like jelly after all the bicep work and thats not good when I have sharp instruments in people's mouths!(I'm a dental hygienist) :eek:
I don't have ME, but Power Hour is endurance-based also, and it kills me in that "hurts so good" kind of way- in the way that only Cathe can lol. I'm usually veryyy sore after.

Hi Catherine,

My favorite moves are the glute raises. Yep, those are killers but I felt really sore around my tush area the next day. And how about the static lunges and the low ends :eek: ? Phew!! One of Cathe's crew (Brenda I think) kept making pinched expressions on her face, so I was glad it wasn't just me who was suffering at the time :7 !
Yes I was glad my husband wasn't around to see my facial expressions and hear me screaming in agony!!

Intensity series is all I have right now, so ME is my only total body weight vid. I love it, but it is a killer. I have learned to love those butt thingies (even though I hate them-;-) ) because I've never had anything that I could FEEL working that area so well right at the juncture of butt and hamstring. At my age (49) that's right where I need a 'pick me up'.

But, yes, it is hard. One of the reasons I so often work out at 4:30 am is so no one sees or hears me crying . :+
This is my only total body strength video of Cathe's that I own. I can barely finish the last set of each body part. I love the ab section. It's my very favorite. The bonus combo workout on this dvd is an awesome workout!! :7
I did only 30 mins. of ME this AM (I overslept). I did the entire workout on Monday. It rocks. I love it.
Hi Catherine,

I did ME yesterday, and today my chest muscles are so sore!!! I have never felt soreness like this doing chest work before. I will have to add this one to my rotation more often. Torture, yes, but you know you've worked every muscle to the max!

:) :)
I think ME is a great total body endurance workout. For me, it's a lot more fun and challenging than PH.
I use the lower body premix (runs around 30-35 minutes w/warm up, cool down and abs) for a legs day - results are always great and it's just long enough on days I need a shorter but intense leg workout!
Oh, those endless step-ups on the 16" box!! Ouch. I love what that workout does for my butt. And I love the ab section. It's a wonderful workout!
I did ME in its entirety this morning for the first time. My arms are dead! My heart was pounding by the end.

I am betting that I will be one sore girl tomorrow.

- Shopgirl
This is my favorite Cathe weight workout! It's really tough, but it's so much fun the time flies by! I did it on Friday and I really felt it the next day!
Just felt it the next day. For me it was like the energizer bunnie- the muscle soreness kept going on & on & on,... At least for a couple of days LOL!!

It must be those glute-raises, they aren't in any other workout I have. But the day after ME, I have major DOMS right where I sit. It's not unusual for a workout to give me DOMS in my hamstrings, but this is higher up. Funny how the glute raises don't seem so strenuous when you're doing them.

Anyone else feel it "there"?

You don't feel the glute raises while you're doing them. OMG my glutes are on fire when I'm doing them. As a matter of fact I usually woos out of the last few!!! :-(

It's those darn side plank raises I woos out on! The one where Cathe places the medicine ball right on the midsection and raises and lowers! I can do a couple with a weight, then it's no weight, then my upper arm has to push on the floor so I can finish out the set! Yikes!


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