Muscle Endurance Express Workout


Does anybody know what this premix workout is? Just wondering...

I just did ME for the first time the other day and I am still sore - two days later! I feel like a wimp. I couldn't finish those darn bicep curls, and for some reason I had to really reduce my weight during the tricep exercises (I'm embarrassed to say how much weight I used). I convinced myself that doing tricep dips first weakened my triceps. Did anyone else have this problem? Maybe I'll do those last next time. (Just like when I do BodyMax, I do pushups last instead of first, otherwise I can't complete them.) Loved the ab/core work.

Anyway, thanks.

Wow you sound just like me! I just did ME last night, and like you I could barely get through the bicep curls - I had worn myself out already before doing ME with another workout, but I think even if I hadn't I would have had trouble. I didn't even do the dips. And I could barely do the pushups. And boy am I sore today! Good idea on the Body Max thing I can't do the pushups on that at all after all the weight work! Anyway don't feel like a wimp, ME is a tough workout. I am going to watch the premix tonight to see what it is!

I've been doing the express premix on ME, it shortens the workout by about 12-14 minutes, I know it takes the number of leg presses from 3 times to 2 times, takes out plie squats and some of the shoulder work and maybe something else. I know about that bicep work and triceps and I still can't complete the glute raises, my quads cramp.
I am going to check out the ME premix too. I did the long version this past Sunday and I am still feeling it today. My husband said that when I was doing the bicep curls I sounded like I was going to give birth. I think giving birth was much easier! I think I got a great cardio workout too. I was sweating bullets by the end and during the last set of leg presses--or whatever you call those things where you step up on the mini step holding a 10lb plate--I was having a hard time catching my breath. But I made it!!! Hallelujah and Praise the Lord!!! Mentally I think it was hard because it was my first time and I didn't know when each exercise would be over--I kept thinking we have to be almost done and then Cathe would just keep going and going and going. Next time I attempt it I will at least know what I am getting myself into and will make sure I am mentally prepared. The ab work was also a killer. The only fond memories I have are of the stretch at the end. But that only lasted 4 minutes!
Take Care and happy stepping,
Thanks for the responses everyone. Am glad to hear I'm not the only one that was sore after ME. Now that I know what the Express workout is, I'll save that for when I'm really pinched for time. I need to do all the leg presses and squats I can. Thanks for the info...

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