Muscle Endurance DVD Upper/Lower Body Split premixes


New Member
Hi everyone! This is my very first post here on, and I'm really looking forward to meeting some fellow Catheites! :)

I am wondering if anyone can give me an exact breakdown of the Upper & Lower Body Split premixes on the Muscle Endurance DVD. I have searched for this information in the forums but can't seem to find it anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)
RE: Muscle Endurance DVD Upper/Lower Body Split premixe...

Hi, if you click on the link below, Tess ATL very generously has posted all the breakdowns for each cathe dvd in excel format. They are fantastic!! It doesn't have a different breakdown for the ME premixes for UB/LB, but you can easily get that information from the spreadsheet. Download it and re-organize it by UB/LB? I hope this helps!

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