Muscle Definition - where is it?


I am sure if I went back a month or two, somebody would have asked this same question, but here goes ...
I have never had an easy time building definition in any of my body parts, and have been doing the CTX series for 2 months now, along with adding in some Cardio Kickboxing, Body Max, Circuit Max and Power Max. My question is this - am I doing something wrong? I do not see any definition in my body, even after two months. Should I be choosing different workouts? I feel the NEED to do cardio, as I still have a lot of extra FLAB hanging around - but I just don't seem to be getting the results I had hoped to.
Am I simply rushing things, and need to be more patient? Anyone have any suggestions?
Hi Courtney,

You used an interesting word in your post, "flab." Definition usually goes fairly hand-in-hand with how much body fat you're working with. The lower you get your body fat the more muscle definition that can show through.
But after 2 months on CTX, perhaps you may want to switch to a different type of workout anyway as your body/muscles are now use to those specific exercises and could benefit from a change. If you have any of Cathe's strength specific workouts like PS Series or S&H, they would be great to switch over to.
But patience too is a must. It does take time to develop muscle, and learning what works better than others specifically for your body. So give yourself more time and focus on eating well to fuel your workouts, and as you lean out I'm sure you'll see more and more definition.


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
Be sure to lift the heaviest weight you can to just barely complete the weight routine. If you lift too light, you are really wasting your time and will not get any definition.
Duh! moment...............

Beth is right! I totally missed putting that point in my post! That's what I get for trying to post and watch "All My Children" at the same time!

But yes, you need to be using a weight that truly challenges the muscles you're working.


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
I'm no expert, but I'll share what finally worked for me. After working out for years I'd kind of given up on "definition" and figured looking mostly slim was just the way I'd be. Well, over a year ago I made three changes just to challenge myself: 1. i started running (just 10 miles a week) 2. rotated Cathe strength tapes with endurance (I just switched every couple weeks between PH and MIS) and 3. started cleaning up my eating by specifically reducing starchy carbs (namely bread, potatoes, beans, corn...), cutting back on processed food (from yogurt to healthy choice dinners) and focused on 7 servings of fruits and veggies and lean, natural protein sources .

I dropped 10 pounds w/o even trying and all last summer got comments from friends and family on how "cut" my arms were. I don't know if it was one thing or a combination of all three, but the results were definitely an unexpected pleasant surprise.
RE: Duh! moment...............

I would just like to add that for years I was doing Cathe's tapes, and while I was feeling stronger and proud of myself for completing them, I wasn't "getting anywhere" definition-wise. Then I started reading the forums and realized that I really wasn't lifting enough to challenge my muscles! In the past year, I've upped my weights significantly, and am finally seeing definition. (And for me, it has taken a year of really working hard!)

A trainer once told a friend of mine to notice how different your body feels when, say, you are putting on lotion after a shower. At first I thought it was weird, but on days when I feel I'm getting nowhere, I do pay attention to how my body feels when putting on that lotion! I can defnitely FEEL stuff getting tighter, even if I can't SEE it. For me, it's just taking a long time. I swear I say this every time I do a Cathe video: "If I had worked out this hard when I was in my 20's, I'd be one hot momma now in my 40's!" :7 (If we knew then what we know now...)

All this just to say that it probably IS happening, and you just can't see it yet! (And, I can do all the squat thrust climbers in Boot Camp, and people I know who look more defined can barely do two! So there is the strength aspect, too!) Keep working hard and be patient! It'll happen!
RE: Duh! moment...............

Thanks, Donna and Beth - I have been trying to use the heaviest weight possible (my biceps are numb today from doing CTX Kickbox last night!), and while I DO have some FLAB, I guess my distress is mainly from the fact that I don't have THAT much flab to lose, and am still having trouble losing it! I will definitely check out Cathe's strength series and pyramid series - just have to decide which one is best!
Thanks again!!!

Just one more suggestion.. if definition and increased muscle strength is what you are going for, try doing your weight work before cardio. That way you are really focused and fresh on "lifting" and can give it your all.

I saw big changes in my strength when I switched to doing weights first.

Good luck!

I am glad you asked this question since I have been struggling with the same problem myself. But,I came to the conclusion that I am not really challenging my muscles with my weight selections. I have made the following changes:

For the first time I am following a rotation (Cathe's 16week weight loss rotation)which is on fitneessvideofanatics. The rotation is helping me stick to 3days strength and 3 days cardio. It has also helped me use tapes (ie. PS series,mis,PH) that were collecting dust, because I love cardio :D more than strength training x( . I have seen definite improvement in my endurance with this rotation. Also, I am increase my weights where I was using 8 I will use 10, or 20lb I will use 25 etc...

Hopefully, by the end of this rotation I will see some definition.Of course, I am always trying to clean up my eating habits. ;)

Just my .02!

For the first time I am following a rotation (Cathe's 16week
>weight loss rotation)which is on fitneessvideofanatics. The
>rotation is helping me stick to 3days strength and 3 days
>cardio. It has also helped me use tapes (ie. PS
>series,mis,PH) that were collecting dust, because I love
>cardio :D more than strength training x( . I have seen
>definite improvement in my endurance with this rotation.
>Also, I am increase my weights where I was using 8 I will use
>10, or 20lb I will use 25 etc...>

I have this same issue and I think it's because of my love of cardio and Power Yoga and continuing to put off doing weights more than one total body weight workout once a week.

I'm doing the May Rotation Cathe posted hopefully that'll jolt me.


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