Muffin-top rotation?


Cathe, would you consider posting a rotation to target the dreaded "muffin top?" I know it is not possible to spot reduce, but I am very interested which of your workouts in what sequence you would recommend to attack this problem area.

Not Cathe, but I'd go with some Horizontal Conditioning, cardio intervals for fat loss (IIRC the muffin top issue is more of a fat deposit matter than a muscle one, but even if muscle issues, experts tell you to bring out your abs after you strengthen muscles you need to burn off the fat) and uber clean eats with most carbs being fibrous in nature vs starchy. HTH.
Good Q.?

Hi, well I do have similar problem from my belly bottom up is perfect but down is fat and I do weigths (STS)+ 30min.cardio and one hour cardio on my other 3 days, if I seat show a small roll, hate it. I hope Cathe give us advice.

Hi, well I do have similar problem from my belly bottom up is perfect but down is fat and I do weigths (STS)+ 30min.cardio and one hour cardio on my other 3 days, if I seat show a small roll, hate it. I hope Cathe give us advice.

Hi Mariposa,

I am not cathe but I do not mind sharing my own experience.

You have probably heard of a famous ratio quote consisting of 80% diet 20%. Also you have probably heard of a quote saying "Abs are made in the kitchen"
This is a painful truth we all have to face:p. I am honestly including myself in this!

For me what has helped is a clean diet and Hiit cathe's one. Intervals have worked really well for me. I just need to top up consistently two twenty minutes segment of abs per week.

All the best,

Not Cathe, but I'd go with some Horizontal Conditioning, cardio intervals for fat loss (IIRC the muffin top issue is more of a fat deposit matter than a muscle one, but even if muscle issues, experts tell you to bring out your abs after you strengthen muscles you need to burn off the fat) and uber clean eats with most carbs being fibrous in nature vs starchy. HTH.

I agree with that. I try to keep my starches to 1 or less per day. (doesn't always happen:eek:). Have you tried your cardio before breakfast? It helps with insulin resistance, it makes it easier to absorb your carbs properly.
AND --- I've incorporated drinking vinegar before meals, said to help slow down the carb absorption. Dang carbs. LOL. Good luck.
Hi Mariposa,

You have probably heard of a famous ratio quote consisting of 80% diet 20%. Also you have probably heard of a quote saying "Abs are made in the kitchen"
This is a painful truth we all have to face:p. I am honestly including myself in this!

For me what has helped is a clean diet and Hiit cathe's one. Intervals have worked really well for me. I just need to top up consistently two twenty minutes segment of abs per week.

All the best,


That is so true! I probably have an 8 pack under that layer of fat. If I cleaned up my diet I would see it one day! But I do like my carbs and treat meals. And I since I'm not trying to lose weight, I never worry about it too much. I do try to eat healthy most of the time, but I "treat" myself too frequently to see my abs. :eek:
Lower abs

That is so true! I probably have an 8 pack under that layer of fat. If I cleaned up my diet I would see it one day! But I do like my carbs and treat meals. And I since I'm not trying to lose weight, I never worry about it too much. I do try to eat healthy most of the time, but I "treat" myself too frequently to see my abs. :eek:

Hi Jen,

I do visualise the all situation as: Abs are hidden by layers of fat just like a block of butter.
Getting rid of those layers would consist of spreading out the butter :D:D:D
This sound so easily said than done!:D
I second the Horizontal Conditioning plus clean eating. I have just completed 4 weeks of HC(2x week) and I am totally loving the results. Everything in my middle is tighter. I don't have a six pack, I have some fat still on my belly. But my belly no longer sticks out. I can honestly say it's FLAT. Which I have never been able to say before. I'm super excited about it!!

An additional benefit to the HC is that ALL my other workouts are easier. I had no idea how much a stronger core would help in every other aspect of my workout routine. I can't say enough about them :) I would LOVE LOVE to see Cathe do some HC type workouts. I'd buy them in a heartbeat.
Horizontal conditioning

I second the Horizontal Conditioning plus clean eating. I have just completed 4 weeks of HC(2x week) and I am totally loving the results. Everything in my middle is tighter. I don't have a six pack, I have some fat still on my belly. But my belly no longer sticks out. I can honestly say it's FLAT. Which I have never been able to say before. I'm super excited about it!!

An additional benefit to the HC is that ALL my other workouts are easier. I had no idea how much a stronger core would help in every other aspect of my workout routine. I can't say enough about them :) I would LOVE LOVE to see Cathe do some HC type workouts. I'd buy them in a heartbeat.

Sorry Elsie3 for hijacking your thread!

Hi Atimpki1,

I have never done HC and I am considering buying it.
What volume would recommend?
How intense is it?

I have volumes 1-4. I don't have any of the getting started stuff. My core was of avg strength I would say before I start HC. I can do some of all the exercises in all the volumes. Volume 1 uses a body bar. I was not really able to figure out how to make alternative equipment work with that workout. I bought a 5lb body bar, but it was not heavy enough for some things and too heavy for others. I just decided not to do this volume moving forward. It is also easier than the other three I think.

V2 - V3 are all very good and only use dumbells. I sub a med ball for the exercises where you put a weight between the knees. I find that more comfortable. V4 is the only one that uses a stablity ball. That one is tough. But you feel it very deep in the core because of all the balance required.

In terms of intensity, it depends on what you call intense. These workouts don't neccessarily make the core burn while executing the moves. For me, my middle just gets extremely tired. At the end of the workouts my middle actually quivers. I do get slight DOMs in my obliques and lats from the workouts.

I can add a bit. I have 3 HC's --- the club from 6/12, V4 and boot camp. HCBC is THE HARDEST dvd workout I own.

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