Moves that are still difficult!


Hi folks! Can we talk??? I just need to whine & vent (good-naturedly, of course) a bit.

I just finished week one of the September rotation and today's workout was Boot Camp. I realized this morning that I was dreading it and putting it off. I had to make myself go put on my workout clothes. Even dressed in my new Nike Lipstick top and low-rise workout shorts (woohoo!!!) I had to practically bribe myself into turning on that DVD player. Why? I just cannot seem to make much progress with those !!**&&!! squat thrust climbers and they LOOM over the whole workout for me! I can do four or five of the first set, and after all that upward propulsion my thighs are just jello, my hip flexors are screaming and I am gasping for air. I stomp around panting and heaving while Cathe finishes the set, then I do the power jumps (and not real zestfully, ya know what I mean?), and then I manage to do maybe three or four of set 2 and the same thing happens. This is DEEPLY frustrating because I've been working SO hard on improving my endurance! x( Any pointers on how to improve this?

What moves are still tough for you all? Here's the rest of my personal list of Cathe moves that never seem to get easier no matter what I do:

1. Squat thrust climbers
2. Inverted pikes on the stability ball
3. Hamstring work on the ball (this is REALLY not a pretty sight in my house!!)
4. IMAX 2 -- those straddle taps onto the step, can't recall which interval -- I just can't seem to get the center of gravity right on this and/or my hip flexors give up and I can't lift & tap fast enough.)
5. Fast-paced sequential straight-legged high kickbox-style front kicks where you do 4 to 8 on a single side before switching (this is done in one of the Boot Camp cardio intervals following speedbag arms and knee smashes and in other kickbox workouts) -- I think this is a hip flexor strength/flexibility issue for me, again. I can do the kicks just fine, but not at the speed Cathe does them unless I alternate legs (and even then my hip flexors are howling by the time I'm done and I've lost height on the kicks).
6. Last but by no means least, full-form push ups. I sometimes feel like I'm actually LOSING ground here instead of making progress.

There, I feel MUCH better now! Can't wait to see your lists, ladies & Trevor! Kathy S.
Hi Kathy,
I know exactly how you feel.

Moves that are tough for me:
Squat thrust climbers, after about 4 I'm through
Playo jumps-- especially the ones in IM2 5th and 9th interval and in BC (dont' remember which interval)
Pushups, I don't know if I'll ever be able to do them.

I think that there will always be something to work towards, but isn't that the great part about working out? Once we get the moves we find difficult now, we will have to get use to the body blast series.The things I still have trouble with are:
1)the inverted pikes/exspecially after all that upper body work
2)static lunges
3)I don't think I look to good when I am doing the squat thrust climbers either.
Although I have only been doing these exercises since April, the ones that are real tough for me are the airborne jacks, I can't do them yet, maybe 1 or 2 and thats it, and I can do about 4 maybe 5 regular push-ups then I have to modify, on the Power House when Cathe and the girls do those advanced push-ups, not me, at least not yet. But the only exercises I have right now are, Power Hour DVD, Pure Strength DVD, Terminator DVD, AB hits DVD. I am not real good at side kicks I call them, but I do the best I can right now :7 .... like I said I haven't been doing them long, but I am very pleased with my weight loss and the smaller clothes I get to wear now :7 ....... Rhonda :7
Ooh!! Don't feel bad, Kathy!!! If we're honest, we're all struggling with those seemingly impossible moves (burpees on SS, genie hops in IMAX2, etc.) or have. I still have problems with leg presses on 14" steps and I don't know if I'll ever manage full-body pushups. As was mentioned, these are goals to work toward, so I try to see it that way...I try to make progress, but it's nice to have my clothes feel looser and I have more energy! HTH
My list? Here goes:
1) those PLIE JACKS in interval 9 of IMAX 2 -- my legs simply refuse to work properly here...
2) PLANKS! I know I'm supposed to be working out my abs and all muscles in my torso here, but my shoulders are the ones that burn, no matter how I try to focus on centering the work in my core.
3) Yeah, PUSH-UPS... Especially when you go down in one move and drive up through the heels of your hands in three counts.
4) Again, those HAMSTRING EXERCISES using the STABILITY BALL in Pyramid Lower Body. I spend the entire time trying to work on my balance, not strengthening and toning my muscles.
5) POWER SQUATS and FLYING ANGELS in Step Fit. The squats do a number on my knees, and flying angels make me dizzy.

So I modify. I AM, however, getting better with the planks and push-ups, but with everything else... Well, let me say I'm just glad I work out alone. Embarrassing to see, really.:)
Most of the things that continue to challenge me have been listed here, but the one thing that frustrates me the most are those sumo-squats! I get breathless almost immediately and have yet to be able to finish that ONE STINKIN MINUTE of sumo's in Bootcamp. They don't feel uncomfortable for me physically, I just feel like my heart and lungs will explode. Now there's a pleasant image don't you think? :7
I actually have more trouble in bootcamp with the ice breakers than the squat thrust climbers. I struggle to get the last few in, they do not bother me in cardio kicks, but they really get me in bootcamp (?)!

As silly as it sounds, it really helps me to chant "down, out, climb the mountain, out, in and up!" - like Cathe says. I think I was trying to do them too fast initially and this chant kind of paces me through the move.

RE: Hi Lynn!

Here is what has helped me to be able to complete ALL the Terminators.
In stead of going down with your hands on the floor. Put your hands on the tall box or step(I usually have mine at about 6-8 in.) and then do the rest as she does them. That way you save your back too. Still tough but not as difficult. So, hands to step, legs out, scizzor, legs out, legs in, jump, Repeat! }(
Kathy S. you and I seem to have the same physical issues!! You listed the "exact" (exception is the straddle taps) moves that make me insane. I have tried various modifications on the squat thrust climbers and I still can't finish them. Recently I've been doing them without the jump up on the end of the climbers and barely jumping on the power jumps in between and then maybe, if the stars are aligned just right, I'll finish the set. I've done the boot camp dvd many times so you'd think they'd get easier, NOT! (Is it possible being short-waisted and having very long legs makes them physically impossible to do??? Yes, yes that must be it. LOL) The inverted pikes I end up pausing the workout, catch my breath, and then do them, but it really looks so pathetic by the end. Again, been doing the workout at least a dozen times. Now the hamstring work I noticed got a LITTLE easier when I was doing PLB for about 2 weeks. However, at the end of the workout when she's doing the side leg lifts, AND HER FOOT NEVER, REPEAT NEVER, TOUCHES THE GROUND, I am screaming and my foot is slamming down after each lift. What's up with that? I really vary my workouts so I wonder if the key is to do the same workout for several weeks and then your body will adjust. Maybe we out to do checkin where everyone works on one move they haven't been able to master and see what it takes to conquer it? Although it might be very disappointing to find out no matter what I do I'll never master those squat thrusts. (Being short waisted and all ;-) )

RE: Hi Kathy!

Ok, that's not fair - next time I do this video I am going to think of falling down the mountain and crack up!

Seriously, though, I can relate - just when I think I am so well conditioned, Cathe comes up with another move to put me in my place! And sometimes I try to do these videos with my kids around - trying to hold a conversation with a 4 year old and a 2 year old while doing squat thrust climbers is another animal altogether! Lots of fun...

:) Lynn
Hi Kathy! Yes I totally hear you on #s 1, 2 & 4. The others I can do. I did Bootcamp on Sat. & had forgotten where those thrust climbers came in & when it was time to start them oh my you should've seen my face!!:eek: I have to do these on carpeting & it ain't easy! I usually don't jump as high as they do nor do I get both legs out straight in back I'm usually going right smack into the scissor moves so that I can keep up w/the crew; these are fast! I personally think your doing great!! The endurance will come the more you keep doing it. Notice I didn't say "easier".:7 The inverted pikes I found easier to do by first moving myself backwards on the ball getting enough momentum to push forward & up. This move was done in the Quick Fix Stability Ball tape by Keli Roberts. As for those straddle taps in IMAX2, well what I can say other than to just stay as close to the step as you can & just do as many as you possibly can; I'm usually pooped out by the time I have to do 1 or 2 more. HTH, Kathy:D
Whew! I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who hasn't mastered everything. Sometimes I get a little discouraged when I think about the Body Blast stuff coming out soon and I still haven't conquered the Intensity Series!

I have trouble with the stuff already mentioned, but I'll throw in a couple more. I find endurance bicep work - such as the bicep segment of ME - to be absolutely impossible. I have to stop for a breather at least once.

Also, in PLB when you have your feet on the ball, flipped out and pull your legs in "froggie style" as Cathe says, I can do it, but I feel like my legs are going to burst into flames and fall off. For some reason, I really feel this in the outer glutes and hams, not the inner thighs. Maybe I'm doing something wrong...

Ah ha!

Great suggestion -- maybe this will help me gain the endurance I obviously, pitifully need for those explosive upward jumps. That's what does me in -- going from horizontal to upward vertical and back down. (Oh, I'm tired just thinkin' about it!!!)

Thanks for the idea!

Edited to add: Oops, duplicate post (how did that happen???) Sorry! Kathy S.
Hi Angela!

You are TOO funny! " legs are going to burst into flames" -- WHAT a description!

Unfortunately for me, girlfriend, you've identified TWO MORE moves that I completely feel the same way about. Bicep endurance work is a great mystery to me, I swear. My triceps have gained strength faster than my biceps, and hurt less. In fact, it's not even hurt that's the issue -- it's being able to move at all! I get to a certain point and I'm just working away diligently, and all of a sudden my brain's saying "LIFT! LIFT!" and my arms are saying "WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU. DID YOU SAY BE STILL AND LIMP AND DON'T MOVE NO MATTER WHAT??" My biceps just go into total failure!

And those froggy leg things -- oh my gosh. First of all, if either of my teenage sons were to come in while I was valiantly trying to do these -- well, suffice it to say that I would NEVER live it down. I cannot imagine what I must look like -- but whatever I do look like, "attractive" and "good form" and "inspiring" are not the adjectives that leap to mind. x( I feel this move in my hams a lot, too. I believe that's actually normal for us, though, Angela, since we are still working on mastering the move and we're using hams and glutes to stabilize us on the ball.

I have named my stability ball, by the way, but it's a name that I can't say out loud. }( Kathy S.
Hi Jackie!

Hey there, oh kindred spirit! Jackie, I'm short-waisted and long-legged (and long-armed) too -- maybe we've discovered the secret to why we're working so hard and accomplishing so little progress!!! Not that I am not proud of us for what we DO do, which is pretty great. But I'm with you -- you would sure think that some of these movements would get a little easier with time.

I'm going to try your suggestion for the inverted pikes and see if that small change in position on the ball will help. News at eleven on that.

I like your idea of starting a check-in for one tough move a week or so. Great idea -- I think this week I'm going to work on those blasted straddle taps since IMAX 2 is on the rotation. Got any form pointers for me on those? I'm on a 6" step (comfortably) and I think I've got the rhythm of the preceding movements just fine. Do you hold your body really upright, or are you leaning slightly forward? What's happening with your arms? I try to mimic Cathe and crew but so far nothing seems to turn the lightbulb on over my head! Kathy S.
I'm with ya all the way on the moves that you mentioned. Sometimes I feel inadequate with the Intensity Series because there seem to be a lot more challenging moves. I do the squat thrust climbers at my own speed. I can't do all of the inverted pikes and probably look like a dork doing the ones that I can do. I have also been extremely challenged by the hamstring work on the ball and core work in general. Most of the time I can not do all of the hamstring work on the ball and have to switch to using a step halfway through. I am also a weenie when it comes to bicep curls in the endurance workouts. You should see what my barbell looks like compared to Cathe's... wussy!!! But hey, at least I am TRYING!! I have just come to realize that I will never be able to do everything that Cathe does especially using the same weight. Thats why listening to your body is just so important. Cathe and crew are just amazing!
What a great thread!

For an otherwise advanced exerciser, I would call myself beginner or low intermediate when it comes to core work. I am trying SO hard to improve this area and for the first time EVER, after years of working out and mainly due to the Intensities, I'm beginning to see improvement. There's still so much room for improvement, though. Push-ups are another story! I would guess the two areas are closely related.

I hate to burst some bubbles, but I am very long-limbed and have no problems whatsoever with terminators. They've been "easy" for me from the start! (What's up with that?) Ice breakers are much harder for me, although doing BC once a week for 8 wks. has greatly improved my ability to do those.

I think the check-in idea is a good one. I also thought of starting a thread called something like, "Difficult Moves and Methods I've Used to Improve Them" (e.g., using the couch to provide stability to the balance ball; doing the downward portion only of a push-up; etc.) What do you all think?

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