Moved from MIS to S&H


Active Member
Well, after 5 weeks on MIS, I've just started a new rotation using Slow & Heavy for the first time. I did the Chest/Back split and really liked it.

Even using heavier weights, I found S&H much easier to do. "Easier" may not be the right word for it, but my body really liked doing things slow and heavy. It was much more of a strain trying to keep up with MIS (though I did get finally get both sets of 16 real pushups by the last time through! -- but then I'm even shorter that Cathe is, so maybe that's cheatin') In MIS my weights were a notch or two or three below Cathe's (I finally broke down and bought a barbell, too). In S&H I was as heavy or heavier than she was.

It will be interesting to see how the next 2 splits go. And maybe even more interesting to see how I feel tomorrow...

I'm curious whether this is a normal reaction or if it points to what type of muscles I have or how fit I am or am not cardiovascularly.
I did my 1st S&H Bis/Tris/Abs Monday. My arms are sore today! I thought it was easier for me to keep up and complete the reps/sets too. I had just done 4 wks of PS, then went to PH for a wk.

Gees, I just like ALL degrees of torture, I guess :O I doubt that I'm the only one ;-)

dee c.
I just bought slow & heavy myself. I havent tried it yet, but I have been doing the Body Rx program where you lift the heaviest weight you can for 6 reps. I like that style too. That is why I bought the S&H. I look foreward to trying it. I am encouraged by the post workout soreness! I also used the MIS before and I really liked it.

Funny, I have just done the opposite! Just finished 5 weeks of slow and heavy and I popped mis in on Sunday. Yikes!! And to think that was my first Cathe video....I am suprised I lived! I found the slow lifting style difficult at first, but now I soooo miss it. I have a hard time keeping up with mis. I really loved just working the one group of body parts at a time. But one thing I noticed with slow and heavy is that I never got really sore. Maybe it was all the stretching....and I was working to failure most of the time. But Mis kicked my butt! I have not been able to workout since then.....gonna give it another try today though! You will love the progess you arms and back have never been more defined. Take care and keep lifting!! Donna.

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