Morning workouts, how do you motivate yourself....


to get out of bed? I really want to workout in the morning to have more time during the day for my 2 toddlers and other stuff. Every night I go to bed with good intentions, but as soon as the alarm goes off - I roll over and tell myself I will workout later. Any good tips to get my lazy self out of bed? Thanks!

Try putting your alarm clock away from the bed, so you have to get out of bed to turn it off. And put your exercise clothes next to the alarm!!

I like working out in the morning because it frees up the rest of the day. I don't have to worry that something will interfere with it as the day goes on. Good luck!


PS: I would also recommend getting plenty of sleep. I go to bed around 10 at the latest ( a bit later maybe in the summer) and take much abuse from my family for being "an old lady," but it makes all the difference in the world for getting up early!
That's a great idea, Sparrow! I have the hardest time getting out of bed in the morning. The prospect of working out immediately isn't too appealing, but the flexibility it provides is. Lately, I've been working out at 8pm and by the time I'm done showering, it's bed time. Not only that but I only wind up with about an hour to fit my workout in, which precludes things like MIS or longer cardio sessions.

Good luck working out in the morning, Debbie! If you promise to work out Monday morning, I'll promise to do the same! :)

I tell myself that all I am going to do is get up and go to the bathroom and then "decide". Getting to the bathroom is my "sticking point" kind of like when you are doing a tough weight lift, or tough ab routine. Once you get through the sticking point, it is easier. Same with getting up to workout. By the time I am done using the toilet, I am awake enough to realize I DO want to workout that am, and I do it. I NEVER regret it (which I remind myself).

Hi Debbie,

It is all about creating a new habit, and it takes about 3 weeks to achieve that. At the begining you need to make some effort, I think about how great I feel after I workout and take a hot shower, because I feel fantastic. I feel proud that I did something for me, I feel ready to go to work and face any challenge that life would bring. I feel full of energy. With time just like building strentgh you will miss the day you can't workout. I like the Nike slogan " Just Do It", I don't give myself time to think about, I get up, go the bathroom, get my workout clothes and shoes, get my water and it is playtime.
You may also want to visualize how fabulous you are going to look if you keep that up.
My DH gets up at 5:30 for work so I get up w/ him. I love working out early too. Feel better all day. If I sleep in, I'll still workout soon as I get up, but it throws me off. I like to workout, get some cleaning done then have free time w/ my sons. And if I work out early in the AM, and I wo again in the evening is just a stupendous bonus. Especially when my 7yr old told me this evening my arms are skinnier, after a month ago he told me I was "kinda big". So I do my best to get up, get going and like was said, "Just do it".
Good luck with it Debbie.
If you want we could check in at a certain time maybe that will help motivate you.
Hi Debbie,

You already got some good advice. My motivation is more free time with my children, and it's done and out of the way. When the kids weren't slepping through the night it was harder for me to get up. If I go to bed by 10/10:30, then I have no excuse for getting up at 5A to work out.

For me, if I wait then there are always other things that have to come first.

Good luck.

A check in would be a great idea.

Sometimes I even sleep on my exercise clothes...when I can stand it. It feels so dumb to be on exercise clothes and not workout that even if I miss a workout I do it the next time to avoid that feeling. me crazy... :eek:
I am actually following one of your rotations! I did day 2 today and I feel good.

Thanks everyone for all of the great tips. I am going to do it!! Also, do you eat or drink anything before an intense workout?


I want to do this too - but I roll over and say "later" also. I even bought a programmable coffee maker to "lure" me out of bed. Good thing it has automatic shutoff!

I also put the alarm clock across the room.

I also had my BF call me at 5:30 a.m. evil subconscious mind }( FORCES me to stay in bed...

Maybe we should do a "GET UP!" check-in in July like the no-sweets check in.

Any takers?
Hi Debbie.

I have been an evening exerciser for years! I could NEVER fathom getting up and exercising before noon! lol

I have recently turned to morning work outs though because I now have a 6 week old infant who likes to sleep during morning hours so it's my best bet for uninterrupted work out time. I don't work out at the crack of dawn though...usually about 9am...but that's still lots earlier than I ever thought I would! The first time I worked out in the morning after he was born I didn't think about it. I just did it! Plus I am already up to feed my baby so it's not like I have to set an alarm to get up for my work out. That would be tough and I can't blame you for turning it off and rolling over.

Sorry I don't have any suggestions for you...I'd still be exercising at night if not for my DS and his schedule!


6/13/05 Some new pics added!Check out pics of Joey's room in the "nursery" album!
Joni- I would be up for a morning exercise challenge. I am always up for challenges and I would love to get my cardio done in the early am.

I would love to become a morning exerciser, but I don't think it is doable for me. I already get up at 5:00. Even though I don't commute, I have to start work at 6:30. I have work I have to do around here in the mornings before I start work. I don't think I want to get up any earlier than 5:00.

Let me think about it.
It may not be a matter of trainig yourself. Some people like myself just can't exercise in the morning. I am stiff in the morning and have less strength and energy in the morning compared to any other time of day. I have tried exercising in the morning and can only do a fraction of what I can do at other times and have made myself ill in the process. I now exercise when I come home from work in the evening. I throw my workout clothes on as soon as I get in and get started. If I let myself sit on the couch or turn on the computer first, my workout is not likely to happen.Working out in the evening does not interfere with my sleep, in fact it seems to help me get a better night's sleep.
If I didn't work out at 5 am, it would never happen-at least during the week. When I get home at 5:30 or 6:00, my 2 and 4 year olds are practically on top of me until they go to bed at 8:00. I wouldn't trade that for anything. In my opinion, 8:00 is too late to work out (for me) because it interferes with my sleep.

The only catch is I go to bed by 9-9:30 to be able to get up at 4:45, do a 75 minute workout, and function at a demanding job.
>Maybe we should do a "GET UP!" check-in in July like the
>no-sweets check in.
>Any takers?

Joni ~ Sounds good. This thread got me out of bed this morning. I hit the snooze button. I'm on my way now to do KM.

I agree with Cathy that some people are just not meant to be morning exercisers. I know that I would prefer a different time, but as Wendy stated i go around my children's schedule. They were away at the grandparent's house, so i slept in a few days and worked out later. I did Imax 2 and was able to finish all the blasts with no problem. Usually in the early wee hours when I do Imax 2, i feel like I'm just not warmed up enough. I feel like I'm going to injury myself or something.

Dallas - Way to go!!! I wish I'd been that inspired by this thread. :-( Not only did I forget to set the alarm clock, I woke up without it, set the alarm for 15 minutes later, and went back to sleep.

Jane - you are off the hook! If you have to be at work by 6:30, you'd have to get up at a crazy early hour to work out. I'd say no way Jose!

My problem is getting to bed early enough to have the energy to get up early. I can never seem to get to bed before midnight.

I like the bathroom sticking point method, and the "just get up and go" method - I need something to shut those voices of rationalization up. "If I sleep in this morning, then I can come home and do 45 minutes of cardio tonight and extra weight work this weekend....and I worked out really hard last night so if I work out this morning I might be overtraining (yeah right!)...or.... tomorrow I promise to start getting up early to work out."

I may just be one of those people who's better suited for evening workouts. I tend to lean toward nocturnal habits....

But the benefits of a.m. workouts are soooo great!!!

Must. Start. Morning. Workouts!
I'm also one that loves my morning workout. If I don't do it then, it could be interrupted by anything. It's just a really good way to start the day for me. Basically, I just make sure I jump out of bed when the alarm first goes off and not hit the snooze.....or you will want to keep sleeping. I set my weights out the night before.
I agree with you Cathy. Morning workouts are not good for me either. When I did them I always felt sick and dragged all day and I would still have trouble sleeping at night (I've tried and I wish I could but I had to accept that it wasnt for me.) I now workout when I get home from work or just a little later, and it helps me sleep more soundly through the night. For some reason exercising always seems to drain my energy instead of give me energy. I used to have trouble falling asleep but after a good workout and a nice long shower I'm pooped and can fall sleep much quicker and easier. Just what works for me :)

I recently started working out first thing in the morning since February 05. By 5:45 AM on week days I am exercising. I am so glad that I do this because I feel great after and it really gets me energized for the day. You could start with less intense work outs that you would do later in the day. That is what I did, just to give my body a chance to adjust. It has worked great, I have lost almost 13 lbs since February. I used to wait until after work to exercise and to often I didn't end up doing it. Now when I do work out in the afternoon it is an additional workout for that day.

It does take time to change your habits and schedule.
Good Luck,


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