Morning workouts, how do you motivate yourself....

Thanks Cindy - that's exactly my strategy. I just want to get up and do 30-40 minutes of cardio, then I can come home in the evening and do a 20 minute cardio warm up then hit the weights with lots of energy and no excuses to cut it short.

Plus - all the gurus swear by a.m. cardio for its fat burning benefits, and when you work out in the evening - the post workout burn is cut short because your metabolism drops when you sleep.

I say I've tried *everything* to get off my weight loss plateau - but I haven't tried regular a.m. cardio -'s the last resort.

Thanks for your story and congrats on your weight loss success.
I already get up at about 5:55 to get myself ready to go to work, and my DD to school. I would have to get up at 4:45 to work out in the morning and that just doesn't work for me. A while ago, I got up at 5:15 or so to go for a run in the morning because I knew I wouldn't be able to work out that evening due to a prior commitment and it just about killed me. The getting up was fine and the run was okay, but by about 5 that afternoon I was a zombie.

I work out in the evening after DD goes to bed (around 8) and it's always worked well for me. On the weekends when Sophie is with her Dad, I can work out in the morning, afternoon or whenever I choose. And during the week if she's with her Dad, I work out as soon as I get home, around 6 p.m.
I think everyone's different - some people are morning people and some people are night owls, and you really need to work with your own internal clock to get the most out of your workouts. But I DO believe it possible to reprogram your internal clock - it just takes patience, diligence and commitment. I have been getting up at 4:45am to work out for a very long time now. It just works for me. I also go to bed very early because I absolutely must have at least 7.5 hrs of sleep in order to function. It's just a matter of shifting your entire schedule - if you're going to get up earlier, you're going to have to go to bed earlier. You can't do it on less sleep, or you'll never adapt and you'll always be tired. You might try gradually easing into an earlier routine. Set your alarm 15 minutes ealier for a few days, then 30 minutes, then 45, etc...

You can do it if you really want to, but it's not always easy. :)
"You can do it if you really want to"

Emily - you're exactly right. When I whined to my BF about having trouble getting up and said "I really want to get up early and work out!" he said "No you don't, or you'd already be doing it."

Gulp. That's true isn't it?

I've also been known to say "I'll do *anything* to get my weight loss kickstarted again - I'd eat a spider!" -- guess I better start slurping spiders, because my commitment to getting up early certainly hasn't been there.

I also agree with Shelley and others - it doesn't work for everyone, but I at least need to give it a try. I've only ever done it sporadically. Emily's suggestion to reprogram and stay diligent is worth a try for me.

Starting THIS weekend, I vow to get up and do at least 30 minutes of cardio 1st thing and then Tuesday (no way I'm gonna get up early Monday) I vow to get up and get at least 30 minutes of cardio in before leaving for work.

So my goal is to get up and do cardio 1st thing at least 4 days a week to start.

Who's with me? C'mon - the "no sweets" people have done a great job with their tough task. We can do this for a short little month (after which it will become habit and we'll be a.m. energizer bunnies for life)!!!

I also have difficulty sleeping if I exercise too close to bed....another reason I prefer morning workouts. I get too hyper after I exercise and can't calm down for several hours.
Debbie, since H.S. I've been getting out of the bed early so I wouldn't be late for school. It was an hour ride on the bus. Come to think of it I was always an early riser.

Then my 2nd daughter made sure I got out the bed early for that I'm married I have to get out of the bed, my dh SNORES & the smell that comes from his back entry is like a drunken person that just purged his insidesx( x( x(. But I still LOVE HIM.

Another reason is if I stay in bed beyond 5 a.m. fully awoke and just lay there, I feel sick and my back begins to ache.

Seriously, all of the above is true.

Grrrr.... ME TOO! Which is why I can never get to sleep early enough to get up early.

Last night I was trying to explain this to my BF who said, if I *really* worked out hard I'd be exhausted and would fall asleep immediately. He said there's no such thing as having more energy after a work out and that the endorphin rush is not energizing, just a bandaid for any pain a work out might have caused.

Sometimes I just want to x( x( x( Let's just say, long distance relationships can be a good thing.
Hey, I got another idea. What if you either used Emily's idea about setting the alarm 15 minutes early, then 30, etc. or do 2 early days, then add on 3 days, etc.. Sometimes when i'm really tired I mix it up a little to regain my energy.

My dh husband gets home by 3:30p, and with summer the kid's extra-curricular activities have slowed down, so I'll sometimes work out then. I have been averaging 4 early and 1 afternoon right now.

Just another thought.

I did it!!

I got up this morning at 5 am and workout to Lowmax. I was proud to be up. But I didn't eat or drink anything before. I had 2 large glasses of water during the workout. By the end of the workout I felt sick. I think my body wasn't used to it. I might have to eat something light before a cardio workout. My head felt dizzy. Now it is 1pm and I feel tired but so happy that I already got my workout in. Thanks to all the encouragement! What does everyone drink or eat before their morning workout?
RE: I did it!!

I had some natural peanut butter on multi grain bread with water before KM this morning. I would love to have coffee that early, but I don't think that would be wise (for me). I always feel that way when I do BC, KM and sometimes Imax 2 early. Eating something small does help me, however.

Good for you Debbie! Day one getting up early!:D :D :D

RE: I did it!!

Yay! Way to go on Day 1 Debbie! I used to feel sick after working out before eating so I would have a slice of whole wheat toast or some crackers. Then it just stopped happening. I don't know but I think what we eat the day before has something to do w/ it.
Your body will adjust to the tiredness. Soon you'll have tons of energy once you get used to waking up early!:D Keep it up!
RE: I did it!!

Congrats Debbie!!! Step one!

If it's really early (5 or so) I don't eat anything. If I am up at 6 I will have a quick granola bar or piece of toast with peanut butter and a glass of milk.


RE: I did it!!

I feel very lucky to say that I do not need motivation, for some reason I developed to wake up in the morning go for a cup of hazelnut coffee and thinking of my running or some step workout on fit tv with Cathe, by 9 am I am done with my cardio and abs. wohooo!
The older I get the more I love me.

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