Morning Sickness Treatments - Ideas Anyone?


Hello All.

My sister in law is about eight weeks pregnant and is experiencing really bad morning sickness. Any tips on what she could try to relieve her symptoms a bit? I've heard to be careful of what type of pre-natal vitamins you take because they can make you worse, but other than that I'm clueless.

Thanks in advance,
Hi Shelbygirl,
Check out the mom's board out here, it's great for information.

In the meantime, switching vitamins (and taking them after dinner) are good recommendations. Others have used SeaBands with some success (they are really for motion sickness), and if she's REALLY sick, there are meds that she can go on.

Also, making sure that she stays full by eating a lot of small meals and keeping crackers handy can help.
This may sound silly

but the smell of a fresh cut lemon helped me. I kept them in the drawer and when I would feel a wave I would slice one open . . also eating crackers in bed BEFORE I got up. Just a couple.

Citrus body wash too. St. Ives makes one now that is awesome.
One more thing

my girlfriend had the worst morning sickness going. She finally had acupuncture and it was the ticket. They do it in the wrists.
Ugh, she has my sympathy.

For me, there wasn't much I could do except eat small, frequent amounts of the one food that didn't make me sick. That particular food was different for both pregnancies: Cold spaghetti with tomato sauce for the first baby, and cream cheese (alone...just cream cheese) for the second. Weird, I know.
With my last pregnancy, my obstetrician recommended potato chips because of the salt/fat combo. I'm not a potato chip eater, but I tried them and they helped, but relief was only temporary. When I was eating the chips, I felt ok but as soon as I stopped I was back to the nausea. Pizza helped, too - probably because of the salt/fat combo.

Hope she feels better soon. That nausea can be really debilitating.

That just sounds gross:p:p:p
:D !!!!!! How about eating cubes of cream cheese?!

Oddly enough, I can still eat both and be quite happy. You'd think I would associate these foods with morning sickness, but no...I still eat cold spaghetti.

Wish I had thought of potato chips!
My advice: Try to live in as much denial as possible!?!??!

I had severe MS for about 5 months, my doc put me on few things (that didn't work) and then one miraculous day - it stopped!!

Tell your sister that I am thinking of her and wishing her a ms-free pregnancy. She is not alone!

((((((hugs))))) to your sister!
Morning sickness

I can sympathize. I had morning sickness for 5 months and the only thing that made me feel better was potato chips and regular coke or pepsi. Another weird thing that happened was the smell of Dial handsoap would always make me throwup. To this day, if I smell it, I feel nauseaous. Pregnancy does strange things to you.
Ugh, she has my sympathies... I was sick the first six months of my pregnancy...Labor and delivery was nothing compared to nausea and barfing every day, ALL day.

Ginger helped me a bit... I would eat Gingersnaps and that helped some. I guess you can get Ginger Pops now.. they are suckers w/ ginger in them.

Salt and fat was another "food group" I could kinda/sorta keep down.. potato chips and wonton soup were a staple those first 2 trimesters. I had no sweet tooth at all during my pregnancy.

Probably what helped me the most was that my doc gave me some prevacid ( prescription Acid Reflux medicine.) My MS was caused mostly by really bad heartburn. Once we figured that out, I had no problems AT all!!! She might want to ask her doc about that.. My last trimester and I actually enjoyed being pregnant once the sickness stopped.

Take care, Lynn M.
I had horrible morning sickness with baby #3 and the only thing that helped was cocktail peanuts and cut-up apples!
I would really love to offer some suggestions, but just thinking about morning sickness makes me nauseous. Everything made me throw up

And smells, OMG That bitch next store cooked chicken on her grill for the entire 9 months of my second preg, wanted to hurt her!!!! :eek::eek:

Hope it passes soon.
Thanks for all your suggestions ladies. I don't envy any of you who went through this, that's for sure! I picked up some organic ginger tea for her, who knows, maybe it will help. I'll be sure to pass along your other suggestions as well.

I would really love to offer some suggestions, but just thinking about morning sickness makes me nauseous. Everything made me throw up

And smells, OMG That bitch next store cooked chicken on her grill for the entire 9 months of my second preg, wanted to hurt her!!!! :eek::eek:

Hope it passes soon.

I had the same aversion to grilled chicken too.. even looking at it made me sick!! Funny story: I work for a food company and sell products to large restaurant chains. One of the chains was doing a big rollout of a grilled chicken program. In this meeting ( w/ 1,000+ people in it) they started putting up on the overhead screen ( movie theatre size) these big bright colorful pictures of various grilled chicken breasts while describing all of the tasty attributes of this new product. Ugh... yes, I had to make a hasty exit, it was absolutely awful. ( kind of humorous now though esp. if you aren't me!!) :)

Lynn M.
Delurking here... but had to mention Sea-Bands. They are stretchy little wrist bands that have a plastic piece that places pressure on the inside of the wrist. It's supposedly an accupunture spot that affects nausea.

I had terrible morning sickness 24/7 and these helped immensely. Really an amazing difference! I went from barely being able to go to work to feeling somewhat normal within hours. I told my brother about them and he now takes them along when he travels via plane or boat to help with motion sickness.

Hope this helps.

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