morning sickness has begun!!


Hello ladies...
Well, I think the morning sickness has officially begun! It started on Halloween... we were posing for a group picture at work (everyone was in costume). I tried to smile, but I was feeling a little green.
I've been able to control it... I'll usually feel icky when I haven't eaten anything for a few hours. So once I have a snack, it's OK.
For lunch, "Lunchables" really hit the spot. Just the plain cheese and cracker ones... not the funky ones with the drink & dessert. I remember seeing an ad in a magazine about "Preggo pops" -- a lollipop that contains ginger (I think) to help reduce morning sickness. Has anyone tried these? Where can I get them?
Just checking in; hope everyone is doing well -- my first ultrasound is 2 weeks from today!

Take care
due 6/26/04
Charlene - I haven't heard of preggo pops, but I have heard of Sea Bands. You put these bands on your wrist and they are supposed to hit certain pressure points. They were initially made for sea sickness, hence the name "Sea Bands," but I have heard from friends that they work great for morning sickness. I hope this helps! I also hope that the morning sickness doesn't last too long! :(
Good luck on your first ultrasound - they are my favorite thing to have done when I am pregnant! It's so amazing to see that little peanut blossom into a little child!:)
I hope you feel better. I always found that it helped to keep small snacks near by, crackers, etc because when your blood sugar gets too low thats when you start to feel really sick. Also, for some reason oranges sometimes seemed to help.

I hope your sonogram goes well. Its so exciting to get that first glimpse of the baby.

Oh morning sickness is no fun at all. I feltlike I had to eat all the time to keep the sick feeling away. I hate being nauseous. Hang in there.

That's exactly how I'm I need to keep eating in order to keep the nausea away (and I certainly don't want to be eating all day).
I did go out and get the bands to wear on my wrists -- they seem to be working.

It's my birthday today so my DH wants to make me chicken alfredo for dinner (splurge!). I hope it won't make me ill. Right now I'm looking forward to it. I love his alfredo!

Have a great day, ladies!
due 6/26/04
Charlene - I am so glad that the bands worked for you!! Hang in there and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Enjoy your chicken alfredo!! :9
2 great things I have learned about morning sickness. #1: It almost always goes away by 2nd trimester. #2 It's a positive sign that your baby is doing well.
Hang in there. I craved fish & guacamole during my 1st trimester. I haven't had it since though!

Baby boy due 1/25/04

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hello there...
Well, my DH's chicken alfredo was EXCELLENT! Worth all the calories! :) I did feel pretty ill afterward... but I think it was because I had taken off the bands... they were beginning to irritate my wrists. But I have them back on and things are going well. I just wish I could hide somewhere for an hour and take a nap. ;-)
Have a good day, everyone.
Unisom & Vit B6???

OK, I was browsing one of the message boards and read about taking Unisom and Vit B6 to help with morning sickness... I'm curious to see if any of you have heard of this or have tried it? As you can see, I am looking for all the advice I can get!
The nausea is getting a little worse each day, but I haven't "lost it" yet. I'm really scared to read posts from women who are constantly hugging the porcelain... Please tell me it won't be this bad! :(
RE: Unisom & Vit B6???

I have heard of the Vitamin B 6. The last recommendation I read on it... B6 supplements 25 mg po (orally) daily or 50 mg po twice a day. The other recommendations I am familiar with, some of which have already been mentioned, are:

- small frequent meals every 2 hours
- eat a high proteinn or sweet snack at bedtime
- hard candy, sour candy, peppermint, dry/cereal/toast, crackers before rising
- avoid strong odors, spciy, fatty extreme temperature foods
- eat more protein, B-complex food
- accupressure, those sea bands that were mentioned, biofeedback
- avoid reclining for 30 minutes after eating

The book "Aromatherapy for Women" highly recommends peppermint oil or tea.

I'll have to check into the Unisom. I'll share anything I find.

I hope you feel well soon. It usually resolves around 16 or 17 weeks. Hang in there. :)

Hi Charlene!
I am due 6/23/04! This will be my second. My daughter is 2 years old. The answer to your question is I just ordered some. They come in ginger, sour fruit, and lavender. Ginger ale and sucking on something lemon is known to ease nausea, so I figured I would give it a try. I spent Thanksgiving home alone heaving. I don't want to keep feeling this yucky, though it is for a great cause. I find that workouts help if I can motivate myself. The blood leaves your stomach and goes to the working muscles instead.
Good luck! Are your clothes starting to get tight yet. My chest is sore and my "skinny" jeans are feeling a bit uncomfortable today. YIKES!:) Also, Sea bands didn't work for me. They were very uncomfortable!
Yeah, I had given up on the Sea Bands...
I spent Thanksgiving throwing up too... I was fine all day, I was able to smell turkey cooking and I even had some turkey, stuffing and pie -- but by 10:00 that night, I was the sickest I'd ever been. Yesterday was a good day -- I kept my diet pretty light and starchy (lots of tiny meals/snacks thru the day). I felt good until my DH came home and wanted to cook dinner for himself... so he made a mac & cheese casserole. Just the smell of pasta boiling ruined my good day! x(
I'm drinking lite lemonade during the day. It goes down well. I used to be a Diet Coke junkie, but I can't stand the stuff now :(
I also keep life savers handy to suck on. I think I'm far enough along that if I ordered the Preggie Pops, I probably wouldn't use them.
Take care everyone!
Charlene EDD 6/27/04
RE: Unisom & Vit B6???

When I was pregnant, my doctor prescribed Vit B6 b/c I was sick through the fifth month. It didn't help. Also, Ginger made me sick to my stomach, so that didn't help. FYI - The combination of Unisom and B6 used to be a prescription pill that was prescribed for pregnant women but was taken off the market in the 80's. They didn't put it back on the market. That thought kept me from trying it. I have to say that one thing that helped me was tea. I drank cold decaf tea all day. I think that until you feel better, you are just going to have to listen to your body. Eat or drink whatever sounds good (except alcohol, obviously). Your body will let you know when it doesn't want something.
Hope this helps! Watch out - you will get more advice than you want! Pick and choose what sounds good to you.
RE: Unisom & Vit B6???

Yes, Bendectin. The removal of this medication is interesting because it was not related to the FDA. In fact, the FDA still considers the drug safe based on the evidence. In other words, there was no increase in risk for birth defects whether or not the drug was taken. The company was involved in a number of lawsuits, which was costly so they stopped making the med. Actually, it is still used in Canada.

Some physicians, certified nurse midwives, etc. pescribe Unisom and Vitamin B 6. I have been unable to find a standard recommendation on dosing. It is something that would need to be discussed with your health care provider.

Yes, be careful regarding the advice and remember what works for me may not work for you or anyone else. :) Take care!
Hi Charlene! You are not alone. :) I am nauseated all day. The only thing that has helped... I still can't believe it... sushi. I ate it Friday and felt great all day. Too bad it is so far away.:(

Take care!
No apologies necessary. :). I get that response a lot with regards to sushi. I am having a pretty good day... I just ate half a jar of Vlasic Kosher Dill Gherkins. Oh, they were yummy! I am also fond of Gummie Savers at the moment. I wish I could tolerate more healhful foods... this isn't kind to weight gain. :) It is all worth it though!!
My Dr. recommended 50 mg of B6 two times per day and 1/2 Unisom before bed. Didn't help a bit. I've been so sick all day every day that he finally gave me some anti-nausea medication they normally give to chemo patients.

My nurse practitioner said the FDA approved it for pregnant women and they give it out frequently. It has helped immensely. I'm still not 100% - I hate eating because it makes me so sick but at least I can get out of bed and get dressed now.

I was so dehydrated when I went to get my blood drawn she had to take blood from my hand - she couldn't get it from my arm.
Update -- yesterday was a great day!

I say this with the risk of jinxing myself... :)
I had an awesome day yesterday. I came home from work for lunch and I had an appetite for a sandwich (normally all I can tolerate is a plain bagel)... So I made this awesome sandwich with whole grain bread, turkey, swiss, lettuce, tomato, sprouts and dijon mustard. It was so good, and I wasn't feeling sick afterward... so guess what? I made another one!!! :9
Last night was a great night (that's when I'm usually the sickest). We had chicken fajitas... it went down well. Could I be coming out of the woods? Again, I don't want to jinx myself... But I feel like jumping up and down. I had the energy this morning to decorate my office for Xmas. Yay!
Have a great day everyone!
EDD 6/27/04

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