morning exercisers what do you eat before you workout?


I did a search but didn't really find what I was looking for so I'm just gonna ask.

I am trying to change my routine to am workouts. I like having it done and over with, no excuses not to have it done. My problem is I feel very sluggish when I start. I do keep my bottle of seltzer with me and try to do 60-80minutes of a workout and take my time getting dressed. It takes me about 15minutes to get motivated and I like to sleep to the last possible minute.

What do you guys grab for quick energy? I've seen posts for oj would cranberry juice mixed with seltzer work as well? I could grab a luna bar and glass of milk. Maybe a glass of choc milk? or a small bowl of cereal? I don't want to eat to much before hand cause I like to breakfast after my shower and don't want to seem like a piggy!:-(

please help!!

I personally do not eat before my cardio. I do my workout then take a shower then eat my oatmeal with protein powder. If I'm doing weights I drink a small protein shake before and after my workout. I workout first thing in the morning so it works for me:)


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-
Hi Jenn

In the last twelve months I started working out first thing in the morning (about 6.00 a.m.). I used to feel sick to begin with for the first week or two exercising on an empty stomach, but I drank lots of water and pushed through it and now I am used to it and it doesn't worry be. I wasn't working as intensly in those first two weeks because of the nausea (sp?) but after that things were back to normal intensity.

Hope you find something that works for you.

RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

Because of my schedule, I usually do not work out first thing in the morning anymore, but when I used to (my usual workout was a 6-mile run), I'd eat yogurt or a piece of fruit, or if I were particularly hungry, I'd go for a bowl of cereal. I did also run on an empty stomach occasionally, but I found that anytime I worked out for more than 30-45 minutes, I needed *something* to fuel my body in order to feel good & get a decent workout. Personally, I think if you do feel sluggish, it's a sign that your body needs a little something. Try a piece of fruit or maybe a small shake beforehand and see how that works.

Good luck!
Cathy :)
RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

I usually eat a 1/2 cup yogurt... After my workout ..I make sure I eat my breakfast within an hour! I DONT WANT TO LOSE MUSCLE!
RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

Thanks for your suggestions.
Some days I'm okay other days I just feel blah.
I guess its a matter of getting used to the new routine.

I will have a bowl of special K with skim milk or a Banana. I use to do light workouts in the morning and did not need anything on my stomach but with Cathe I need something.

RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

I have some coffee when I get up. And then half of a protein bar(Genisoy is my favorite) before my workout along with sips of water during the workout. After my workout always a fruit smoothie within 30 min...:)
RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

I sound a lot like you guys. I always have a cup of coffee just to perk up. I eat a half a banana if doing intense cardio, and sips of water throughout. I will have a little protein if doing heavy weights, just a snack though, PB or protein shake. I try to keep really intense workouts for when I can actually have a meal beforehand, BM2, DrillMax, etc. Today I did IMax with a half a banana and coffee and was fine. Sometimes if I'm especially tired I'll take a B complex vitamin. I don't know if it really helps, may be more pyschological than anything. Take Care!

RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

I usually don't have anything except water but if I feel real hungry I either eat a banana or a yogurt. BM2 and Drill Max also got me real hungry toward the end. Afterwards, I usually eat an egg white omelet with peppers, tomatoes, etc. and whole wheat toast.

RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

* Before cardio I usually will just eat some fruit.

* Before weight work I will eat some fruit with a couple of pieces of string cheese.

RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

I always have a banana and a coffee about 30 minutes before a workout. I love it when the sugar and caffeine kick meet the endorphin rush during a hard workout, one of life's pleasures! :)

Take Care
RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

I drink a big cup of tea when I get up in the morning and can not eat anything before cardio. If I do I will get a bad stomache so I always eat after. I can eat normally before weights.

i drink a propel during my workouts... but i don't eat anything before!
cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
For my Saturday morning workouts, nothing is best especially the night before I eat big so I'm good for most of the day.
I have my big cup of coffee and big glass of water before and during my workout! More coffee for weights and more water for cardio.

I get up, brush my teeth and go!-don't have time to eat. So i drink a big glass of milk--I figure it is liquid and protein. And I drink lots of water while I'm exercising. My coffee and breakfast come after the shower!
I get up around 4:00 and start my workout shortly after that. I don't eat anything. After my workout, I shower, prep the kids for school, etc. and have breakfast around 6:30. This is what I have done for years.
Depending on the workout depends on what or if I eat.

If I'm going to do a really intense cardio session or a long run, I'll pound a big cup of coffee and eat a banana. If its a more moderate cardio and weights, usually just the coffee.

I always try to eat a good meal after the workout though.. high protein and good carbs.

Take care, Lynn M.

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