morning exercisers what do you eat before you workout?

Another thing to think about when you try to figure out what will work best for you in the early a.m. is when & what you ate the night before.

I get up at 4 a.m. and typically eat a very early dinner --but if I eat later in the day (meaning a shorter gap between evening meal and the early a.m. workout) I feel better or need somewhat less fuel in the a.m. (i.e. a light pre-exercise snack works great in the early a.m.)

But If I can work it to plan ahead a bit when I know I have a longer cardio workout planned for the early a.m., I try to make sure I have a good meal a little later in the day than usual for me the night before as well. If I can't do that, I have a slightly larger pre-exercise snack and wait a little longer to get started if I can.

Different things work for different bodies, though. Good luck figuring out what work for you! take care,

A small bowl of (old fashioned) oatmeal before either cardio or weights. It holds me over very well, even during an intense workout. Usually I'll have some fruit afterward, or a small omelet with veggies and cheese.
RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

I have a protein shake before working out, afterwards I take another shake with powder gatorade and 30 minutes later I eat:)
RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

Wow so many great replies. I think a glass of milk and 1/2 a kashi granola bar might work well for me. I wake up very thirsty so the milk may be just the little bit of energy I need. I will try different things and see what works.

Thanks again.

RE: morning exercisers what do you eat before you worko...

On my way to the gym at 4:45am, I have a kashi bar and drink lots of water.

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