morning/evening rotations

I would prefer to split my work outs into morning and evening sessions 6 days a week with one day off. About 3 weeks ago I started doing 30 minutes of strenth training in the morning and 30 to 40 minutes of cardio in the evenings. My body can only take high impact about once or twice a week. Can anyone suggest a good balance of high/low cardio that I could do this often coupled with lower body strenth training? Should I limit the lowever body strenth training to just once or twice a week? Currently I am doing 3 20 minute sessions per week for my legs and I can feel it when I follow it with high impact cardio. Furthermore is the morning/eveing idea doomed to fail me? Thanks for any feedback.
first, what workouts do you have so i can help with a rotation? do you do your cardio in a gym as well or have access to an ellipical, exercise bike or treadmill? for you final question, no you aren't doomed to fail splitting your workouts like this as long as you stick with makeing time for them. the thought of this sounds great for me but i know for me, i'm too tired at the end of the day to do another workout so this wouldn't workout for me. since i don't know what type of workouts you have i will just form a schedule based off cardio and strength. i know a lot of people like doing cardio in the morning and weights in the evening but that is dependent of the person. so switch around that if you dont like how i have it:)
monday a.m. 30 bike/ellipical/or walking----p.m. chest and abs

tuesday a.m. 30 min high impact cardio (running, first 5 intervals of imax 2 or 3, kickmax intervals only, etc.)----p.m. back

wednesday a.m. 30 min cardio (something different then monday---p.m. triceps and abs

thursday a.m. low max or low max 2 (can do the timesavor version)---p.m. biceps

friday a.m. 30 min walk/bike/ ellipical----p.m. legs

saturday a.m. 30 min walk/bike/ellipical----p.m. shoulders and abs
sunday off

or you could do:
monday a.m. cardio p.m. chest and tris
tuesday a.m. cardio p.m. legs and abs
wednesday a.m. cardio p.m. back and bis
thrusday cardio only a.m. and p.m.
friday: total body
saturday: cardio only

there are many ways to split what you want to do. what are your goals? you can work one body part as i listed, group body parts, full body workouts. You don't need to do high impact to get results either. you can easily do sprints on a bike or ellipical and get great results. the frequency of lower body workouts depends on how heavy you are lifting. if you do heavy once is enough. a lot of people do 2 times and there are even people who lift light everyday for legs (free style training). sorry this is so long. i hope this helped some. i just need more info to give you a better plan.
I only work out at home. My only other cardio equipment is a recumbent stationery bike. I've considered buying a treadmill or elyptical but frankly I find it extremely boring. I have the following work outs:
Rhythmic Step, MIC, Interval Max, Body Max, Circuit Max, KC, Pure Strenth, Muscular Endurance, Boot Camp, CTX Complete Set, Pyramid Lower Body, Power Hour, MIS. My biggest concern is how much rest my lower body needs after a high impact routine. I am suffering from a mild case of plantar faceitis(sp?) from waering flip flops all summer. So I tend to ache after a high impact routine. My goal is to improve cardio health, tone and lose about 10 pounds. Thanks for any advice!
I only workout at home as well. If you have a touch of plantar facitis i would advise to stay away from any workouts that are high impact for right now b/c it will just worsen the condition. Everyone is different with the amount of rest they need for their legs. I train my legs twice. But i cannot do Imax 2 or 3 the day after b/c my legs are fatigued. You have to play around with it and go by how your legs feel. if they are feeling heavy the day after a high impact routine then work your upper body and let them rest an extra day. you can do:
muscular endurance on monday
bike on tuesday
power hour on wednesday
rhythmic step thursday
muscular endurance friday
saturday KPC (just the kickbox combos, no jumping)
sunday rest

or you could do the PS series on alternate days with cardio inbetween or you could do power hour upper on monday, pyramid lower body on wednesday, and circuit max on friday with cardio inbetween.
OR......choose one muscle per workout with the CTX series and tag on 30 min of cardio after. My advice though is to wait until the foot problem goes away other wise you may not be doing much of anything.i hope this helps. good luck
Kariey -thank you so much. I think you are right about staying away from high impact. I've read this can take months to heal. I'll try your suggestions and thanks again!

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